avatar_Angel Miguel Albares


Started by Angel Miguel Albares, Jun 16, 2020, 06:51 AM

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"...and this is a piece by a Spanish painter, Angel Miguel Albares..."

The group moved as one toward a bleak, dark painting hanging by a corner of the gallery. Soft voices murmured, mused over the deliberate slashes cutting swathes through a landscape of blacks, blues, purples and greens.

"There is a fragility in the deliberate use of cold colors here. It seems evocative of the artist's sadness, quietude and contemplation of self."

Angel glanced up from studying the key in his hand as the voice of the guide continued on. He went largely unnoticed, seated by himself on a bench off to the side with his hood drawn over his head. The gallery owner was a friend of his father's and had requested both his paintings and his presence here, on opening night. Unlike the other pieces with price tags dangling off of their plaques, Angel's work was not for sale. They were mostly filler, he thought--something interesting to look at but not necessarily things one wanted to hang up on a wall.

A well-dressed couple glided past, the woman's hand perched delicately on the man's arm. Angel spared them a glance; the woman smiled politely at him as their eyes met and he immediately lowered his head. The key was warm in his palm.

"How much does this painting cost?" A man's forceful voice cut into the guide's introduction of the next painting.

"Ah... I'm sorry sir, that piece is not for sale."

"Preposterous. Everything has a price. Ask the painter. Money is no object."

Angel shook his head silently and then shifted away uncomfortably when someone sat down beside him, not really paying them much attention as the argument waged on over his showpiece.

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