avatar_Gil Namgi


Started by Gil Namgi, Dec 31, 2017, 11:24 AM

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Ugh, that fog again. Namgi had encountered it in the past and he knew well enough to dodge it by getting the hell out of Hazleton. That was how he came to be in Portland for the night. Curiously--and unsurprisingly--the news on the television over the bar said nothing about the fog. They didn't the last time it had come, either. Namgi smirked into his drink. No, not surprising at all, given Hazleton's history.

The fog would clear up by the end of the night and Namgi could go back the next morning. For the night, however, he was festively tucked away with several bar goers. The bar was a rather quiet one for Portland. It wasn't in the heart of the weirdness, which suited Namgi just fine. He hated those strange niche bars with the loud hipsters and local musicians. This bar was filled with a handful of older patrons, most of them drinking alone, just like Namgi.

A few younger patrons dotted the bar, however. The loudest people there were a pair of guys in their twenties at the pinball machines toward the back of the bar. Namgi eyed them surreptitiously, then sighed and finished off his drink.

"I'll take another," he said to the bartender. 

"Noooooooo!" Marc howled as he lost the ball. "I hit the flipper! You saw me hitting it! This machine's rigged man!"

He smacked the side of the machine and predictably, that did nothing whatsoever—except make Marc feel a little better. Glaring at Ben's shit-eating grin (featuring a prominent set of white teeth and extra-sharp canines), he stepped off to the side so that his friend could have a turn. Damn! Marc had been doing so well, too!

"Step aside, little man. Let a real pro show you how it's done," Ben crowed, as Marc mimed staking him in the back, through the heart. "Hey! I saw that!"

"Saw what?" Marc whistled, putting on an innocent look that evolved into a grin. Leaning against the side of the machine, he watched Ben playing pinball for a while. "I'm gonna grab another drink. You want anything?"

"Rum and coke." Ben sounded distracted.

"Okay. Be back soon." Marc wove his way around tables and chairs until he got up to the bar and at first, he barely looked at the guy sitting close by. He gave the orders, then rested his elbows on the bartop and let his attention wander. And still he didn't actually pay full attention to the man, not until he turned his head fully towards Marc.

"UGH!" That was his first reaction—a purely horrified noise. Marc recoiled, shock and disgust warring for dominance on his face. "YOU!"

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His new drink arrived--a Manhattan--and he lifted the glass to take a drink. It was his third now but he wasn't really feeling anything beyond slightly buzzed. He was still aware of the world around him, if more relaxed about it. He must have been less aware than he thought, however, when somebody joined him at the bar and he barely glanced at him. It wasn't until he spoke to order that Namgi frowned. Unsurprisingly, when Marcus turned and met his gaze, he let out a disgusted sound that made Namgi's lip curl briefly. Little brat.

"So pleased to see you here," he said dryly, since Marcus was being a child about meeting up with him. Really, when they'd first met, Namgi was content enough to stay away from him but the more they worked in close proximity, the more they found that they seemed to rub each other precisely the wrong way about everything from how to do their jobs to political views to what flavor ice cream was best. Really, it was rather ridiculous. (And strawberry ice cream was always the correct answer.)

"Why don't you go back and play with your friend?" Namgi said, making a shooing motion with his hand.

God, he just couldn't get away from this creep! Marc thought that leaving town for the weekend to visit his best friend would earn him some time to relax and get away from the stupid group he was working with, but here he was! The grand asshole himself!

From the moment they met, things didn't go well. When he mispronounced the asshole's name, Namgi felt the need to correct him, in what Marc felt was a totally unnecessary, snarky tone of voice, and from there on out, they clashed at every opportunity. Marc was a hotshot, no denying that; so was Namgi. Marc felt that he should have gotten a bigger role in the group; apparently, so did Namgi.

Marc was sure that everybody knew rocky road was the best ice cream flavor and this asshole insisted on strawberry.


"Why don't you get the hell out of our bar?" He shot back venomously, grabbing his drink with force. Marc chugged it as fast as he could, hoping that alcohol could make Namgi's presence more bearable. Or at least, not so irritating. "In fact, do me a solid. Buy a ticket for the other side of the world, why don't you?"

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Why was he still there? Namgi fought the urge to reach up and massage his own temple, feeling a familiar headache coming on. Yes, every time he spent more than a few seconds with Marcus, he ended up wanting to kill himself. Or at least let age take him instead of trying to fight it as he had been doing for the past few decades. Hmph. Don't let a child dictate whether or not it's pointless to live. He couldn't possibly be so bad that it made living completely not worth living!

"Excuse me? Your bar? I wasn't aware you and that little twerp over there suddenly owned this establishment."

"Well, we do!"

They didn't. But Namgi didn't have to know that! Marcus glowered at him. Look at this guy. Cocky from head to toe, like he owned the joint. Even the stupid superior look in his eyes annoyed Marcus, like Namgi considered Marcus no higher up on the food chain than an annoying, buzzing fly. Somehow, that really irritated him. Forget not being taken seriously because he was young, Marcus plain didn't like being underestimated!

"Hey, what's the hold up man?" Ben ambled over. His gaze lit on Namgi and he smiled, a somewhat toothy grin. "Hi."

Marcus turned to glare at him. Oh no. No. No way he was letting Ben hit on Namgi! "This is my worst enemy in the whole world," he said bluntly, pointing straight at Namgi. "I hate this guy." Speaking as though Namgi wasn't even there. "I really hate this guy."

"Wow, hate's a strong word man." Ben ignored his dire glare and held out a hand. "I'm Ben. Nice to meet you."

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Namgi raised a brow in disbelief. Then he gave Marcus a slow once over. Yes, he was evaluating him; he didn't look like he was related to the man that last owned the place but there was no telling in Portland. He's being facetious. No way was he gracing that with a response. Instead, he let out a scoff and lifted his glass to take another drink. What he really wanted to do was down it in a gulp but he wasn't giving that brat the satisfaction of knowing he got under his skin.

Another voice joined the conversation. Swallowing, Namgi set his glass down on the bar and looked up at the newcomer. This one was the other young person that had been playing with the old pinball machine. He looked like he was around the same age as Marcus and that automatically made Namgi lower his expectations of him--despite the nice smile. I hate this guy, Marcus said. Silently, Namgi said it back. Well, I hate you too, so the feeling is mutual.

The friend was still smiling, despite Marcus' glowing words. Oh, and look at that. He held out a hand and even introduced himself, like a properly brought up gentleman. Namgi smiled back and took his hand.

"Hello, Ben." Nice to know not all 20-somethings are little shits. He ignored Marcus' glare as well. "I'm Gil Namgi."

"Really? You're gonna hit on him with me standing right here?"

"Uhh... yeah?" Ben shrugged lightly, clearly unaffected by Marcus' glare. Well, he'd been getting them since he was five. The intimidation factor wore off pretty quick, Marcus supposed. Ben hadn't heeded his glares for years--didn't stop Marcus from glaring, though.

Since Ben was sooooo enamored by Namgi (but seriously, what did he even SEE in the jerk?) Marcus turned his glare onto Namgi. Who... also had some kind of resistance to them. He breathed out angrily and motioned to the bartender for another drink. Hell, he wanted to grab the whole bottle.

"Just don't say his name wrong," Marcus grumbled acidly, as Ben kicked him none-too-gently in the calf. He kicked back but Ben was already moving closer to Namgi, slipping onto the stool beside him.

"Come here often?"

"That's a dumb pick-up line, Ben."

"Shut up Marc."

"Jerk. Both of you. Jerks."

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Just don't say his name wrong? Was that what Marcus took away from their first conversation? Namgi almost let out another scoff. Instead, he turned his gaze away from Marcus altogether. He could ignore him until the end of time if he had to--he had plenty of time to do so and Marcus would be nothing but an irritating drop in the ocean of his life.

Namgi started to respond to the obvious pick-up line... Until Ben was outed by his friend. While Namgi didn't look at him, he did narrow his eyes slightly. Why did Marcus constantly go out of his way to be so irritating? A perfectly pleasant and good-looking young man was hitting on him and he couldn't even enjoy it because that brat was butting in every chance he got.

"Why are you still here?" he asked, directing the question to Marcus while smiling at Ben.

A casual observer might have come to the conclusion that Marcus was jealous, because of the way that he was acting. That casual observer would have been so wrong. Marcus didn't need Mister High and Mighty's attention. Or Ben's. He had a boyfriend who loved and appreciated him, and who wasn't the most annoying jerk within a hundred mile radius.

"I own the bar, remember?" he answered sarcastically, plonking his butt down onto a stool beside Ben, now determined to stay just to piss Namgi off. And Ben. Some friend! He was supposed to be on Marcus' side, but noooo. Look at him now, cozying up to the person that Marcus clearly marked out as Public Enemy Number One. Just because he was handsome and had that vampire's unnatural charisma, didn't mean that he got to be a traitor! Except apparently it did, as he ignored Marcus completely in favor of Namgi.

"He doesn't," Ben said in a stage whisper, leaning closer to Namgi to do it.

"He does." Marcus clinked the ice around and around in his glass, just to be irritating.

"ANYWAY." Ben's voice rose above the clinking of the ice cube. "I haven't seen you around here before. How do you know the third wheel back there, Namgi?"

"Excuse me!"

"You're excused."

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"I know."

Marcus didn't own the bar. He might act like he did but a kid his age, owning a bar? Pft. (Not that Namgi had never seen a young person own a shop in Portland but he doubted that Marcus owned anything like a bar.) Namgi looked flatly into his drink before taking another sip from it. Maybe he'd just order a straight up liquor next. With a small but tense smile, he said, "I'd rather not talk about him."

"He's right here!" Marcus exclaimed, outraged, despite doing the exact same thing to Namgi only a few seconds ago. He shot Namgi a truly venomous glare and turned away from both of them, whipping out his phone. Time for some colorful language and ranting and raving--to the only person who truly understood him!

Ignoring Ben starting up a more genial line of conversation, he slipped off his stool and relocated to another stool several feet away. He could still hear them murmuring, but he didn't have to look at them. Some friend! Well Namgi was in for a surprise--Ben probably just wanted his blood! Hah! It would serve Namgi right, too!

(Comm for a bit!)

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Good riddance to bad rubbish, he thought as Marcus finally turned away. Smiling to himself, Namgi took another sip from his drink and made small talk with Ben until his phone went off. To his surprise, it was his online paramour. Curious, Namgi responded and his smiles to himself became more genuine and less smug.

At least, until the part where they talked about where he was. Namgi didn't understand fully what was happening. They were chatting away as usual until Namgi said he was in some hole in the wall bar. Was he worried that Namgi was flirting with somebody? He sent a sidelong glance at Ben. Well, he wasn't wrong but it wasn't as if he was going home with him.

When the responses became shorter and obviously less interested, Namgi let out a sigh and stuffed his phone in his pocket. Figures. The one bright spot in his evening became yet another stain upon it. Finishing his drink, he shamelessly ordered another--this time opting for vodka on its own.


Marc wanted to scream. Smash a bottle over the counter and kill somebody with it. Run out, off into the distance, never to be seen again. Ever.



HOW could his online sweetheart be THAT GUY? HOW was that POSSIBLE?!

He stared in horrified disbelief at Namgi, trying to reconcile his understanding and amazing boyfriend (though unofficially) with... with... the guy Ben was hitting on. Part of him was annoyed, too, that Namgi was clearly about to cheat on him but most of him was still firmly rooted in WTF mode.

Slowly, he pocketed his phone and he really looked at Namgi. Really tried to superimpose the asshole he knew with the boyfriend he thought he knew. Thing was, over the internet and through text, it was hard to gauge who the other person truly was. Marc didn't know if the one chatting up Ben (cheater!) was the real one or if his one was the real one.

"We--we're leaving!" he said suddenly, grabbing Ben by the collar and yanking hard. "C'mon! We gotta GO!"

  • And you could have it all my empire of dirt
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Somebody was boring holes through him. Namgi tried not to stare back but it was difficult to ignore that sharp scrutiny. Vodka filled his mouth, the taste as hard and sharp as that stare. What the hell? He glanced sideways, trying not to give into whatever torture Marcus was attempting to visit upon him this time. He didn't have to wait long; a moment later, Marcus was pulling Ben back and trying to drag him away. Namgi sat up straighter, fully irritated now.

"What are you doing?"

Ben was old enough to make his own decisions by the looks of things. He was in the bar, wasn't he? That meant he could make his own damned decisions, even if Namgi didn't plan to deliver on any of the promises his flirty eyes might have made. Now he was more determined than ever to make it look that way, though. He stood, the world wobbling around him briefly before he slapped a hand on the bar.

"Seriously! Just because you're not having a good time doesn't mean you can interrupt us!" He grabbed at the air and then successfully connected with one of Ben's arms. "Get lost and leave us alone."