Will I Ever Find Friends?

Started by Giovanni Chang, Apr 19, 2018, 01:04 AM

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"You're not wrong."

That was a way to put it. An undead person. Zombie. Not a person, though. Not anything worthy of a busy celestial. Even now, he felt the bitterness rising within him. There was little he could do in order to break the bond that already existed between himself and his celestial. But it still stung to hear that from this celestial. Please tell me you're not bound to me. Nobody wanted to be bound to him. His eyes narrowed.

"Relax. I'm not bound to you. I'm already bound to somebody." The way the guy talked, it seemed like he didn't fully understand how the binding worked. "But I don't want to be. You don't know how to unbind a yin, do you?"

    Giovanni Chang

"Thank god... No offence." He was starting to sound rude, even to his own ears - that was new to him. "I didn't mean to sounds so rude, I'm just not into the binding thing."

He tilted his head at the last remark, "No I don't. Do you mind if I ask why you want to unbind yourself from your celestial?" That sounded so weird, like they were masters and slaves.

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Once, Bongju could never understand that line of thinking. He used to love being bound. It made him feel needed. Then his celestial partner disappeared and when he reappeared, he acted as if he didn't know Bongju. And then he told him to go away, to never come back. Did he not understand what it meant to be a yin? They lived only for their partner. And yet... he wouldn't even destroy him. He wouldn't do anything to make the pain and the anguish disappear. No, he just told him to get away. Nothing, no real explanation for his disappearance.

Even now, Bongju could feel the sting. The dejection, the feeling of having his insides ripped out yet he was still alive to feel every burn, every twist of the knife. No, he wanted it all to end. But now... now he also wanted him to pay for it, to feel the way that he made Bongju feel for so long. He grasped the front of his shirt, where his beating heart should have been.

"Because I'm not into the binding thing, either. You understand."

    Giovanni Chang

Gio mentally nodded and shrugged, "If I knew how to unbind something like people, I'd help but I don't know how to do any of that." He didn't even know the reason why he didn't want to be bound but Giovanni was actually feeling sorry for the guy. He heard a sorrow or something else behind his words.

"I'd suggest my brother but he's only a vet, he only know how to work on animals. So I'm not sure if he'd be able to help."

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Ah, disappointing. The first time he'd met another celestial and this one was clueless. Bongju ran a hand through his hair and looked away. Great. So now what? His hope for revenge with the witch didn't work out. Now he was hitting a dead end with the whole unbinding thing. Bongju studied the other celestial for a long moment, a thought striking him.

"Do you know... if it's possible for one celestial to bind a yin that's already bound?"

    Giovanni Chang

Gio thought for a moment, "I'd have to look some things up or ask around for make sure. Wouldn't that cause some kind f trouble?" He tilted his head slightly.

He was actually concerned? What was going on with him today? This wasn't Ike Giovanni to care about others. He'd just have to get us to the change. He looked around feeling a bit awkward, "Um... I'm Giovanni, Gio."

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"I thought so..." He crossed his arms. Typical. He wished he knew more about how the bonding process went from the celestial end. It had been nothing but horror and pain from his end. But he assumed that if a celestial could bind one, they could bind another... But what would happen to him in the process? Maybe he would get what he wanted all along. He could just... disappear. The thought made his heart yearn for it--the bliss of knowing nothing, of feeling nothing.

"Ahn Bongju. You can just call me Bongju." He looked downward for a moment, then back up at the tall young man. "I'd shake your hand but that would just end in misery." For one of us.

    Giovanni Chang

"I take it something happens with physical contact? Death?" He rose a brow, "Look, I can research for something but I don't know if there's any way to do an unbinding thing." Gio was actually being honest and it was starting to scare him.

"I'll even ask my brother if I need to." He added.

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"Something like that."

Degradation. Disintegration. Eventually death, he suspected. But he had never hoped for it enough to try it. That seemed like a painful way to go and he really just wanted to disappear. He supposed most people wanted to die that way.

"You have a brother?"

An older celestial? Perhaps he knew something this one didn't!

    Giovanni Chang

"Yeah he's four years older than me so he knows a bit more." Gio shrugged and watched the guy, was this guy really that desperate to even go to his brother? Giovanni's brother was very helpful but to animals.

"I don't even know if he's home though. He tends to stay late at his job to avoid me."

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"I can't imagine why."

Which was an utter lie and the sarcasm was palpable. Bongju knew he shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth but he couldn't help but think that a troublemaker like this invited that kind of issue. If he caused trouble for everyone around him, no wonder they wanted to escape him. Realizing that they weren't too different in that area, however, Bongju lowered his gaze and slid it off to the side. Yeah. He made a lot of trouble, too, even if he liked to think it wasn't intentional...

"Where does he work?"

    Giovanni Chang

Giovanni rolled his eyes, he heard the unmistakable sarcasm in his voice but brushed it off.

Maybe having this guy around wouldn't be so bad
"He works at the animal hospital, seeing how he loves animals and helping, it was the perfect job for him."

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"The animal hospital?"

It was definitely a strange juxtaposition against this guy. One made mischief, the other helped people? Maybe the brother was his key, then.

"The one on Orange Street?"

Why did he even ask? This was a small town. Unless the brother worked in Portland, it had to be the one on Orange Street, he imagined.

    Giovanni Chang

"Yeah that one." He nodded.

"And I know what you're thinking, am I sure we're related? Because of the difference in personalities, one is an ass and the other is an angel. Yes I'm sure we're related, I've tried to prove one of us as adopted but all the tests came back the same, we're siblings with the same dna; for the most part since we're not twins." He hated explaining things like this but it was also a way for him to remember that J.D. was his blood brother and not some fake brother.

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It was along the lines of what he was thinking. Bongju hadn't met the brother yet but if he was anything like his little brother described him, they were opposites in every way. Apparently even Gio doubted their relationship if he was going around checking his DNA for signs they weren't.

"I believe you," he said. He didn't need the explanation but he got the feeling the poor fella was feeling defensive. Maybe he cared about something after all. "Are you coming with me?"

Orange Street was within walking distance and Bongju was ready to meet the guy who potentially held the answers he was looking for.

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