that went well.

Started by Ryan Kassander, Mar 17, 2019, 08:29 PM

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    Ryan Kassander

actually it kinda did... tbf...

"Eyyy... So um. Hate to bug you, but, how busy are you at the moment?"


    Sandalio Kassander

"Not terribly."
".... Though even if I was you asking that means that I would immediately not be any more unless it was life and death so..."

    Ryan Kassander

".... that's helpful, actually. And also not, but I suppose this counts as fairly important, so I won't think about it too hard. Do you want the bad news, the really bad news, or why I'm asking, first?"

    Sandalio Kassander

"Why don't you...uh, just give it to me all in one go."

    Ryan Kassander

"Awwwlrighty, I'm really sorry.
So Hasan isn't dead and showed up on Kassander's front lawn, and that ended spectacularly, and by spectacularly I mean really not very well at all, and Kassander did the most Roman thing he's done in a long time and is now burning things in the backyard while drunk off his ass, pretty sure he's gone through half a case of wine so far and he seems to have precisely zero interest in stopping any time soon. ... I can't get him to stop. I have no idea if starchildren can die from alcohol poisoning but I really don't want to find out, so um. ... maybe you'll have better luck."

    Sandalio Kassander

"....I don't think we can. Not that that's the point. I'll be there shortly."

    Ryan Kassander

"... someday, you're gonna have to teach me how to do that impermeable calm shit you do. See ya when you get here though."

    Sandalio Kassander

"Well in this case it was mostly, okay Kass needs me and if he's that drunk he needs me calm. Being angry won't help. .... I'll figure out how I feel about this later. Anyway, love you."

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