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Messages - Jaime Garcia

"You two are as hopeless as Edel and Cris. I call them Edis. That's their ship name. Like it?" Jaime grinned as he leaned away against the door, looking at them both with the most annoying smug smile he could muster up. They wouldn't like it. Edis was too good for them to like it.

And yes, he was also horribly teasing his own sister but he knew how Jen operated. She did care; she was hurt by everything Cris did. But he always went back to her in the end and Jaime knew that Cris knew if he ever left her broken-hearted, all of the influence in Jaime's family would go towards destroying him.

Atom by atom.

So a little teasing here and there was cruel, but in the end it would all work out.

Jen turned on him like a tigress and beat him savagely with her hand bag, until he had to start ducking and covering his face. "I. SAID. FUCKING. SHUT. UP." She smacked him hard on the chest one last time then, breathing hard, returned her attention to Rey.

"It's not right. But we'll make it right when we find those two bastards and if anything happened, we're going to castrate them with a rusty spoon." She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. "They're too fucking old to be acting like this!"

"Are we at the airport yet?" Jaime asked painfully, edging away from them both and no longer feeling like being funny with a handbag assault already under the belt--and they hadn't even gotten to the airport yet...
Jaime rolled his eyes behind closed lids. God Edel was so hopeless. It made him actually annoyed, like to the core of his being, whenever he saw those two together and that was a genuinely impossible feat. Maybe five people in all the world could get to him on that level of real negative emotion.

"Lying bastard," Jen hissed, rightfully angry if one of her very good friends was heading down to secretly meet her boyfriend.

"It's not like they're going to fuck so I don't know what you two are all in a huff about," Jaime said lazily, cracking open one eye to look at them. "They've had a decade to fuck and they haven't even gotten past the drunk kissing stage. All they'll do is drink, make out and then probably pass out or something."

"Shut up, nobody's even talking to you Jaime!" Jen shrugged his head off her shoulder and turned fully to Rey. "I mean he's probably right but maybe Edel went down there to stop Cris from doing something stupid. He could have told me, Cris' girlfriend, first, but maybe he has a good reason. We shouldn't assume things."
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 04:28 PM

Watching Jen go through her closet

"I'm joking!" Jen laughed, finding her own joke hilarious. "I paid her a lot. She'll do a good job, don't worry! I mean if I'd threatened her, she might do something crazy right? No it's fine. And I have our doctor checking on Izzy every other day, just to make sure nothing's wrong while you're gone. He'll text us if he thinks something's up."

Jaime snorted a laugh down at his phone. Throwing money at problems was also another tried and true tactic, he couldn't lie. Jen wasn't opposed to threats but not if money could solve the problem more easily. Something he was sure Rey wouldn't know about.

"You can sleep on the plane." Jaime was talking to pass the time now because sexting was getting boring. Same old, same old. Suck your dick, rim job, bang your head against the wall, blah blah blah. Eventually he tossed his phone onto the seat beside him and leaned his head against Jen's shoulder to rest his eyes.

"Did you hear anything from Edel?" Jen dropped her voice for whatever reason—like Jaime wasn't right beside her.
"You look like you slept like shit," Jaime chimed in before Jen could rush to reassure Rey that he looked good. Because he didn't look so good. Dark circles, pale, clearly angry. The last one was his default expression around Jaime so he was used to it but the other two, not so much. Hard to be pissed off and also bone-tired and vampire-white. Yet somehow in this car Rey managed to be all three.

"Shut up! Go back to whatever the hell you were doing." Jen snapped, digging an elbow into his side.

"Sexting." Jaime grinned and he grinned right at Rey. And he held it for one... two... three beats too long and too awkwardly before resuming riling up his newest form of entertainment, at least until they got to the airport. Then Rey would have to be entertainment for the 15 hour flight.

"Disgusting." Jen rubbed her temples. "But I'm glad she likes the nurse! I told her that if anything happened to Izzy, we were going to bankrupt her whole family."

Ah. The tried and true tactic—the Garcia family way. Jaime was almost proud.
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 04:02 PM
Oh my god
I'm so hurt

I'm soooooo

Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 03:30 PM
I thought I was the asshole. Make up your mind, damn.
"Ew you're a pig," Jen hissed, disgusted, as she caught a glimpse of what Jaime was texting his newest flavor of the week. Sexting. What he was sexting as they lounged in the back of the luxury car smoothly gliding up to what could only be described as the slums. They stood out like a sore thumb but luckily they weren't going to be here for long.

He shrugged an elegant shoulder at his sister, who made a face at him. "What? Don't act like you're so innocent, miss open relationship." Avoiding her slap, he edged to the other end of the seat. The car rolled to a stop and Jaime briefly set down his phone so that he could roll down the windows.

He wore a pair of five hundred dollar sunglasses in the car just so he could roll down the windows, gently tip the glasses down and wink at Rey. Because he knew that would piss Rey off. Purely because it would piss Rey off. "Hola chico."

Then he rolled the windows back up, laughing his heart out, while Jen rolled her eyes and got out to hug Rey. Their driver alighted too, in order to put Rey's luggage into the back with Jen's five suitcases and Jaime's one. Contrary to popular belief, he traveled light. Jen pulled Rey into the car with them and then they were off again, headed towards the highway and then the airport.

"Is Izzy okay with the nurse?" Jen slipped an arm around Rey's, leaning slightly against him. "You look tired. Didn't get much sleep right? Me neither."
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 03:17 PM
I'm going with

Paws off
She belongs to Cris

If she ever keeps him locked down in one place

You two having a nice little chat? She's going to be insufferable for a 15 hour flight
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 03:03 PM
Whatever helps you sleep at night

I'm guessing Edel's dick ;)

Oh here's the ticket
*sends QR code and electronic copy*

And stop flirting with my sister
She still wants in your pants
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 02:51 PM
(He's just saying it to piss Rey off. What an asshole lmao)

Pretty sure it is
You ever see him go so hard at the bottle that he's barely coherent?
Bet you haven't

Liquid courage
The sad thing is, he still thinks nobody knows
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 02:40 PM
Edel barely drinks, he's no fun at any party now
He only drank so he had enough courage to make out with Cris
The dumbass
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 02:23 PM
There's a thing called a guest list
And being blacklisted
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 02:21 PM
Well I got news for you
I'm a jackass to everybody who comes to my parties

The thing you should realize is
I could have had you thrown out and I did not
Communication / Re: Take it from me
Apr 12, 2020, 02:17 PM
You were there at the parties?

Well maybe I am worse with them but
Parties are boring without them