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Topics - Ryland Ren

Communication / Back in your head
Nov 30, 2019, 07:36 AM
Hey, Ald...

When's the last time you talked to Rae?

@Aldon Huang
Rain slapped against the windows of the shelter's front office, coming down harder as the morning wore on. Ryland sat sideways in one of the uncomfortable chairs lined up along the wall, his leg dangling over the arm. In his hand was his phone. On his face was a half frown. Nervous didn't really cut how he felt. Butterflies were causing a riot in his stomach and he wriggled his dangling foot in a vain attempt to wear out some of the nerves.

How long had it been since he was face to face with Aldon? Almost a year? In all that time, Ryland didn't really date much. Most of his time was occupied trying to help out with the curse, the ancient thing, and his new line of work at the shelter. His mouth felt dry. Why did he agree to meet the other man, anyway? Why did he agree to meet Aldon?

He switched back over to Alva, figuring he needed time with Rae. Alva gave so much good advice but the things he said pricked Ryland straight to the heart. Now he couldn't help thinking what an asshat he had been, not to notice how much he scared Aldon into a corner. Hope sprung eternal when it came to Aldon--he couldn't help hoping that Alva was right about Aldon's fear and his real reason for "falling" for somebody else. It could just be that he clutched onto somebody for fear of being alone. Why, though?! He never did that before, and they broke up all the time!

What made this time so different?

"You're going to scoot that chair straight out the door," Kathy said dryly from her place behind the big round desk. She had been busy all morning on the phones, doing damage control over Rae's little tiff the night before.

"Sorry." Ryland stopped kicking his foot and turned to sit in it like a regular person. "I'm just waiting for somebody."

"Somebody else?" Kathy raised her brows.

"Yeah... a ride. To check on Rae." Which was sort of true. He wasn't getting into his love life (or lack thereof, actually) with Kathy. In response, Kathy pressed her lips together, then shook her head and went back to her work.

"You better be here all day tomorrow," she said as she sifted through some paperwork. "Or you're getting docked hours. I'm going to give them all to the new kid."

Ryland put up a hand. "I'll be here. Extra time. Over the weekend, even. Just give me today."

"Hm..." Kathy was about to say something more on the subject but looked up as the front office door opened. Ryland looked up, too, then felt his heart do a flip. He got to his feet, somehow.

"That's him. Gotta go. Bye, Kathy, see you tomorrow!" He grabbed onto Aldon's arm to direct him back outside, all the while reeling over how good he looked. How the hell did he manage to keep getting better looking? Or maybe it was that whole absence growing fonder business.
Communication / Sharp edges have consequences
Sep 15, 2019, 08:56 AM
In Text:

Hey, you're gonna need to find a place to put your BFF.
He's at the shelter and Alva's doing his best to make him go to a hospital.
But he'll need some place to go after and Alva's staying with that witch guy.
Communication / Comfort Crowd
Sep 14, 2019, 09:00 PM
"Hey, uh... So you know I started working at the shelter and everything? I guess something happened last night and they brought in... ahem. Rae?"
Communication / wish you were here
Apr 26, 2019, 04:18 PM

@Alva Ren
Hazleton Outskirts / Only the lonely survive
Apr 14, 2019, 07:43 PM
Ugh. He shouldn't have had so much to drink the night before. His head was a pounding mess as he dragged himself out of bed and blearily stared blankly into space. With a terrible yawn, he leaned forward and held his head in his hands, curled up like that for who knew how long? Eventually, he shuffled into his bathroom to take care of business. Once he stepped out of a shower so hot that he probably could have boiled lobsters in it, he got to brushing his teeth and staring at his tired face in the smear he made in the fogged up glass.

Goodbye. He kept seeing it. Just like that. They were no more. For good. Every time they broke up, he thought it was forever. There were interim romances. Then they'd meet again and the spark couldn't be denied. But this time... this time, it felt pretty damn permanent. Things were different this time. Greggory Lennox. Somehow... he turned Aldon's heart. Ryland always thought he fully possessed it himself. That he would always have it, that nothing could change that. But this time... it felt real.

And it carved a hollow place in Ryland's heart. It desperately needed to be filled but he couldn't seem to find anything to fill it. There was college, there was the shelter--which he was getting ready to head out to right now--and there was... There was life outside of Aldon.

It just... didn't feel right. Knowing he loved somebody else, that was what kept tearing his heart back into tiny pieces. No matter how he tried to piece it back together, he fell all to pieces the moment he remembered how stubborn Aldon was about that. You can't love two people. He refused to believe in that. Because Ryland, he couldn't feel that way about other people, no matter how hard he tried to fool his heart.

Sighing, Ryland looked away from the mirror and forced himself to get dressed and head out. The drive out to the shelter was a quiet one. He didn't play any music and rolled down the window for some air. The smell of agriculture wafted into the car, a cross between cow dung and wet earth.

The shelter was up ahead, a chain link fence surrounding the area. He got out to open the gate.


Ryland looked up to see a good-looking man standing nearby with a roguish grin. Ryland blinked. He didn't look like any of the other volunteers he'd been working with for the past couple of years. Slowly, Ryland pulled the gate open.

"Hi," he said shortly before getting back into his car and driving through the gate. Before he could get out, the man waved a hand.

"Go on up. I'll get the gate for you."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah! Go on!"

Ryland closed the car door and glanced back at the guy in his rearview mirror. He has a nice ass. What? He could notice things like that, couldn't he? Flicking his gaze away before he was caught looking, Ryland headed up the driveway so he could park alongside the other cars in the lot around back.
Hazleton Outskirts / It's not that simple
Mar 22, 2019, 07:14 PM
Ryland felt like a rat. Ryland the rat. Not Ryland the fox. Just a rat. Rat. Rat. He hated himself for what he had done. He hated that he had done it via video chat, where he could see Aldon's face most of the time and he could hear the sorrow in his voice. But he couldn't take it back. He kept picking up the phone to see if there was some new message, a missed call. But all he got was another lump to join the city of them growing in his throat.

For a few days, he couldn't stop it. He could not stop the choking up, the sudden spring of heat behind his eyes, the crack of his heart. Oh, he loved Aldon. He loved him so much but he couldn't... do it. And Aldon still didn't get it. He never did, not even before all this. Every time they broke up, it was Ryland realizing that he Just. Didn't. GET. It.

Ryland was not polyamorous by nature. He loved one person with all of his heart and his attention and he craved that in return. He wanted somebody to look at him the way he knew he looked at Aldon. Oh, he'd heard it so many times. The others teased him for getting moon eyed whenever Aldon was around. They said he had some kind of spell over him. Yes, Ryland knew. A spell called love. He was stupidly, helplessly in love with an idiot that had the capacity to love more than one person.  And Ryland tried--for a short while--to understand that.

But he couldn't. His brain couldn't process it. How could Aldon say he loved him and say it to somebody else at the same time? Did he look at them both the same way? The thought messed with Ryland's brain. Love was supposed to be so warm and it was, when Ryland believed in Aldon.

He thought coming out here, walking up the trails that led out to the forests, would make him feel better. Closer to home. But now he just felt like he didn't have his support network anymore. Alva had his own troubles. Yoojin was happy, she didn't need to hear his drama. And Aldon. Aldon was gone.

"Idiot!" he shouted into the forest. At least it made him feel a little better. But he'd come out here after having a few drinks and he still held the last bottle clutched in his hand.

He made it to the small park up in the woods, where the kids from the trailer park used to play before a lot of the trailers hauled off and the woodlands began to take over. The park was old and decrepit, with graffiti on the slides and weeds creeping up over the bouncy horses.

Still toting his alcohol, Ryland made his way over to the merry-go-round and plopped down, letting the bottle thud hard on the metal, setting it between his knees. After a long pull from the bottle, Ryland leaned back, lying down on the cold metal and staring up at the purple sky. It was dusk; just before the world would go black. He could already see a peek of the moon, fading into view.

"I hate you," he said to the sky, even as his heart thumped in a traitorous tune. All you had to do was just love me. But for something so simple, it wasn't really that simple at all.
Communication / Do you believe in magic?
Dec 18, 2018, 12:21 PM
What do you know about spells?
Witch spells, that is.

Apartments / Deja Vu
Dec 06, 2018, 02:46 PM
So how good was this idea of letting a complete stranger (a werewolf, at that) come to his apartment all alone? From his place lounging on the sofa in the living room, Ryland stared at the clock. Then he looked at his cell phone and the exchange that had taken place between himself and... Aldon, was it? Ryland lightly ran a thumb over his lower lip as he continued to look at his phone, leaving the emails and checking Instagram again. As he looked through the images, he felt that queer pain starting in the front of his skull and radiating backwards.

Letting out a hiss, Ryland dropped the phone, where it promptly hit his thigh and landed in his lap. All right. He could do this. The guy was super freaking cute and he was fun to toy with, which was one of Ryland's favorite pastimes. He tried not to smirk. Some of the rumors that circulated in relation to foxes was downright on point.

Wait. Aldon was on his way.

Ryland rushed to sit up, then looked over the back of his couch, as if he could see Aldon through the front door. Nothing, of course. He probably wasn't even that close. Still, Ryland sprinted into the bathroom and quickly made sure his hair looked good and that his clothes were presentable. Then he washed his face and smiled at himself, squeezing his cheeks to get some color into them. Then he left the bathroom, switching the light off.

All right. The real reason Aldon was coming--that needed to be taken seriously. The excitement at meeting a new guy was dampened by that memory. Ryland's kitchen counter was littered with various notes and maps, the work he'd done on his own before he decided he couldn't kidnap somebody alone. The problem was, he didn't know anybody who would be willing to do it with him. The person that normally would have done it was currently imprisoned (as far as Ryland was concerned, that's what happened to Alva.)

Trying to get his work into some semblance of order, his heart nearly skipped a beat when he heard somebody at the door. Calmly strolling over, belying the anticipation choking him, Ryland peered through the door's peephole. He smiled. There he was then, in the flesh. If he turned out to be a damned witch, though... Ryland didn't give it another thought before he slid the chain off the door, unlocked the bolt, and opened the door.

"You weren't kidding about being close."
ChatterPage / Help Wanted
Nov 30, 2018, 07:40 PM
An anonymous post on ChatterPage reads:

"Looking for somebody experienced with kidnapping people. Serious inquiries only!

Email me: [link] "
Suburbs / This is the bad before the worst
Apr 14, 2018, 02:03 PM
He was beyond frustrated. He was afraid. Nobody was responding to any of his messages, not Alva, not Aldon, not anybody. In his frustration, Ryland curled up into a ball on his bed, rolled onto his back and pressed his hands up against his face, eyes closed. Why weren't they replying? Why didn't anybody have any messages to relay? It felt like it had been forever since he heard any updates on any of them. Nobody wanted to say anything. Did they get attacked? Killed? The last thing he knew for sure was that they'd all been heading in the same direction: the suburbs.

Ryland didn't live there. He lived downtown, in a nice, cozy little apartment that overlooked the town proper. Swallowing hard, he lowered his hands from his face and he skirted his leg around the phone perched on the edge of his bed. He padded barefoot over to the window that looked out over the streets below. It was mid day. It had been days. Days since he heard from anybody inside. The news was constantly on. Even now, it was buzzing in the background, somebody saying something about a weather report, some sports thing or other, and then there was no update. That's what they'd been saying for the past few days. Ever since the barrier had swallowed up Aldon and Alva and everybody else he loved and cared about, they just said there were no updates. Nothing they could do. Police couldn't breach the barricade.

Feeling somewhat sick to his stomach, Ryland turned away from the window and reached for a bottle of pills. He shook the small bottle and read the contents without really reading it. Nothing was going to get rid of that feeling. No chemical. No medication. Ryland set it back down and as he did, a motion caught his eye on the street. Ryland tilted his head. A familiar form was walking down the street. Scurrying to unlatch the lock on his window, Ryland threw it open and leaned out.

"Sebastian?!" he yelled down.

Communication / I gotta confession to make
Feb 12, 2018, 10:17 AM
Hey, Alva!

So... how're you doing right now?

@Alva Ren
Communication / Just A Feeling
Dec 26, 2017, 01:45 PM

@Aldon Huang
Hey, Alva.

I'm going to be there soon.
But I had a question for you.

@Blue  @Alva Ren
Communication / From Fable To Fumble
Sep 07, 2017, 03:41 PM
Hey, how goes it? Do you seriously need me to come break up for you?
Communication / I'm In the Doghouse
Aug 01, 2017, 09:38 PM
A PDF of the conversation that ended Rydon... for a time.
Posted by: RYLAND REN Jun 17 2017, 10:36 AM


You wanna go out tonight?

Posted by: RUNE KUNAKORN Jun 17 2017, 11:17 AM
Hell yeah!

When and where?

Posted by: RYLAND REN Jun 17 2017, 01:30 PM
Let's go to Envy.

Haven't been there in ages.

Posted by: RUNE KUNAKORN Jun 18 2017, 12:34 AM
Okay, can you get me?

I need some te to get ready

Posted by: RYLAND REN Jun 18 2017, 11:14 AM
How much time?

Posted by: RUNE KUNAKORN Jun 18 2017, 01:15 PM
Umm, I will try to be fast

give me 30 min just in case

Posted by: RYLAND REN Jun 18 2017, 02:45 PM

but I make no promises about my sobriety when I get there

Posted by: RUNE KUNAKORN Jun 18 2017, 02:51 PM
Just head over I will be ready

You can't start without me
Communication / Two Ships
Aug 01, 2017, 01:38 PM
A PDF convo because of templates.  :nuzz:
Communication / I think you broke him
Aug 01, 2017, 10:25 AM
A PDF due to the templates.
Downtown Hazleton / So nice to see you [M]
Aug 01, 2017, 10:22 AM
There it was. Viva Gelato. Ryland didn't exactly miss the key element to Aldon choosing this place in particular. This was where they went the night before their first time together. It was like the sixth date, if Ry remembered correctly. He made Aldon wait a while; the bastard was so used to just getting whatever the hell he wanted when he wanted it.

Ryland didn't want to give in. He didn't want to be another fool falling at his feet. He saw how it went with him. Just working alongside him and his brother at that accursed theater was enough for him to see that. God, Aldon flirted with everybody who looked remotely like his type. Ryland used to be so annoyed by that. It took him some time to realize why. By then, it was too late. He had been dragged into his web.

Letting out a sigh, Ryland looked back down at his phone, palms feeling slightly tingly with anxiety and anticipation. Why was this so much like an earlier meeting? The one last week, when he finally--finally!--met Christian. When he could finally put a face to his confidant, to the person he shared everything with. The person he'd bared his soul to.

And yet here he was.

Aldon used to have that part of him, until Ryland realized he was leaving his secrets in the hands of somebody who couldn't care for them with delicacy. It wasn't like Aldon was a despicable person. He was just... he was so... hard to handle sometimes.

Why the hell am I here again?

He still had time to turn on his heel and leave. He could just text Aldon that something came up. He didn't even have to give a reason. But the honesty in Aldon's tone at the end of their conversation stopped him from doing that. Instead, he ran an agitated hand through his hair and stuffed the phone in his pocket before crossing the street and entering Viva Gelato.

It didn't take long to locate that familiar golden head. Despite everything, his  traitorous heart let out a little jump. Ryland ignored it and headed over to the table where Aldon had indeed ordered that monstrosity of a sundae.

"I can't believe you really did it," he said, slack faced as he took a seat across from Aldon. Then he half smirked. "Okay, yes I can."