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Topics - Reagan Ryang

Did you really want to know?
This "SUSU" guy was disgustingly rich, wasn't he? Living in the beautifully renovated center of town, with all the modern buildings and businesses. There was a swanky apartment in the area but even that seemed like it wasn't good enough for a man of wealth and means. Rae heard this guy had more than one home and he probably even had one of those damned mansions up in the mountains. That car, he saw it. He saw the way he dressed. Everything about "SUSU" screamed MONEY.

Rae was jealous, for sure. There was no denying that. He just wished that Alva would've listened to his suspicions because Rae sure as hell thought the weirdness permeating the town was coming from witches like "SUSU". That guy was behind it, he just knew it. If there was some kinda witch mob, this guy was with it. And he and Josh? They were getting to the fucking bottom of it. Now.

Especially since after the weirdness of the void? Rae didn't know what else to call it. One minute, they were partying it up with vampires and the next minute, his head was filled with nonsense memories that couldn't be real. And then the next, he was balling his fists up, infuriated and cussing out every witch he ever knew. Admittedly, he didn't know a whole lot of them but first and foremost, the one at the forefront of his mind and his personal enemy--"SUSU"--that was where they were going first.

Also, Alva was probably with him and it would do Rae good to see him alive and well. Because he had some not so good memories and visions in his mind pertaining to him. He didn't like them and he needed to get rid of them. It was like picking at a scab. But he wanted to find something clean and healthy underneath, not something repulsive.

He parked his truck in front of the fancy apartments.

"If he's not here, there's gotta be a lead to him somewhere in there," he said as he yanked his keys out of the ignition and practically kicked the door open. Now wasn't the time for subtlety. Honestly, though, he didn't get why Josh gave two fucks about the witch when he certainly couldn't care what happened to Alva. But he wasn't asking questions because he needed Josh. (Not that he'd ever admit it.)

Rae cracked his knuckles. "All right, let's get some answers, shall we?"

Suburbs / Brotherly Trouble
Mar 26, 2018, 09:48 AM
Reagan slipped his phone into his back pocket and strode forward to meet his younger brother. The witch that had helped lower the magical shield stepped away, distracted by somebody else who had a question. All around him, the vampires were whooping it up, dragging their new humans around and letting out shouts of dissent and celebration. Rae grinned as he drew closer to his brother, then threw an arm around him, pulling him in toward the partying vampires.

"These guys are wild, right?"

Communication / Troublemaker
Mar 19, 2018, 02:08 PM
Hey little bro, what're you doing RIGHT NOW

@Marcus Ryang
Suburbs / But all folks are damaged goods
Oct 23, 2017, 01:30 PM
He knew it was a Bad Idea, capital B. Capital I. Bad Idea. It was a bad idea to text Josh. It was a bad idea to bait him. It was a bad idea to talk about fucking shit up with him. It was worse to talk about fucking him. Or being fucked. At this point, Rae was in more of a mood to break the shreds of tattered remains of his heart than anything else. He hurt and so he lashed out, ripping apart himself in the same vengeful attack. It would hurt Alva but it would hurt him, too.

All he could think about was how little Alva trusted him, that he trusted somebody who cursed him over his own boyfriend of five years. If that wasn't a reason to quit on him, he didn't know what was.

Why did he waste so much time on him? (Because he loved him.) Why did he take so much flak from his friends and why did he play protector? (Because he loved him.) Why bother when he didn't want or need him to do anything for him? The swinging fist of his hurt might come back to hit him but in the moment, all he could see was red and all he wanted was to break it until it was nothing, until he felt nothing. He needed a headful of drink, some violence, and some rage fucking. That was what he needed.

So it was a miracle that in that state--and already a few drinks in, mind you--that he somehow still managed to drive his truck to the right address, to the right place, before screeching to a whining halt on the gravel driveway. He slammed his hand on the horn, not even bothering to reach for the phone that had slipped from his lap to somewhere under his seat. Rolling the window down, he shouted out Josh's name for good measure.
Communication / Addicted to bad decisions
Oct 09, 2017, 04:05 PM
let's fuck

@Blue @Kang Taebin
Communication / Wolf in sheep's clothing
Aug 01, 2017, 09:53 PM
The conversation that led to the Moment in the cabin.