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Messages - Shimizu Susumu

Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Nov 02, 2019, 09:42 AM
Fuck. He should have communicated better. He should have known better than to try and spring something like this on an idiot that took things far too literally. That was the problem with these non-human entities. They didn't understand a damned thing when it came to a nuanced expression. All he had to do was lie but no, he was sitting there, spouting out the truth to somebody that couldn't handle hearing it right now. Susumu's expression soured altogether as he stared at Yang in hatred and irritation.

Of course, he knew that Yang nor his compatriots could do anything. But the point to this visit was to stir the false hope within Alva. Not to utterly crush his spirit.

Quickly, he schooled his expression into something more sympathetic when he turned back to Alva. But Alva wasn't looking at him. He was leaving the room, completely dejected. Once he was out of the room, Susumu turned to Yang with a venomous look in his eyes, his mouth a straight, bitter line.

"All you had to do was lie, you simpleton."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Oct 18, 2019, 09:24 AM
"Of course," he said with a smile. He always knew what to say to soothe Alva's frayed nerves. And Alva, poor thing, had such bad luck that his nerves always seemed to be frayed. It wasn't even all due to anything Susumu did; the world just seemed to have it out for Alva. How he remained so strong despite that was a puzzle in itself but... Susumu continued to smile, gently caressing Alva's hair, the side of his face.

He stopped, however, at the doorway, listening. Interesting. He didn't know the context, but it sounded... interesting. Cocking his head to the side, Susumu intended to keep listening but it appeared they had been noticed. A moment later, the slew of words were cut off and the door suddenly opened to reveal and not very pleased looking guardian. Susumu's smile became a mask, his expression completely without emotion. There could be no shushing or telling the dimwit to keep his mouth shut. The words had already come out. If anything more was revealed, Susumu might just have to revert back to washing away certain memories, which was becoming such a tiresome business.

"I'm here," Susumu said, "to allay my lover's fears."

He gave the other man a knowing Look.

"We were hoping you could help us remove this curse mark."

Another Look.
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 25, 2019, 04:14 PM
"What?" Susumu hadn't caught the look that Alva had been given but once Alva alerted him to it, Susumu turned narrowed eyes back toward the librarian, unhappy that he was piquing Alva's suspicions. Gently, Susumu stroked the back of Alva's head, down his neck and his shoulder.

Doubtful, he wanted to say, if only to alleviate Alva's discomfort. However, Alva had already proven much smarter than Susumu originally took him for. In some ways, it was a welcome and pleasant surprise. In some ways, it made some things that much more troublesome. Instead, Susumu said quietly, "The magic is quite powerful, Alva. I'm sure he sensed it, that's all."

He didn't want to admit that the man behind the counter knew more about that magic than Alva did. If Susumu was careful, Alva would remain ignorant to the uglier side of his predicament. Susumu didn't want to harm him, after all. He just wanted a partner worthy of himself, a partner that was strong and resilient inside, even if at first glance, he seemed so delicate and broken. For a moment, Susumu felt a twinge of guilt. Was this really the best way to go about getting what he wanted? He regarded Alva as they took the elevator, doing his best not to be too obvious about it.

Alva was one of the most selfless and giving people that Susumu had ever met and it warmed a corner of his dark, cold heart. When he was around him, Susumu almost felt like he was years and years back, when he was still innocent, a child. But that hadn't lasted long. In that, he felt he and Alva were kindred spirits. They both had to grow up so fast.

"Don't worry about it," Susumu said in a soft, velvety tone. "If this goes well, you won't have that to fret about any longer."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 25, 2019, 01:26 PM
"Oh, right."

The old library was created long before disabled accessible buildings were a thing. They hadn't succumbed to requests to fix it, either. Older citizens of the town insisted on keeping things as close as they could be to the past. Really, it was quite ridiculous but Susumu supposed a place like Hazleton wasn't bothered about keeping up with modern times.

"He's easily irritated," Susumu told him. "So try not to ask too many questions. He doesn't like having to explain himself."

Susumu smiled encouragingly at Alva and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "It'll be all right, I promise."

He didn't want to get into the deep roots of the truth; that he couldn't make such a promise. But... it was true that he wanted Alva to remain safe and sound, by his side. Part of him was slightly worried about bringing Alva to Yang at all. There were things... Well, it didn't matter. Susumu had to take the plunge this time. If he didn't, Alva would only have more questions and besides which, it did get him away from Reagan.

"Let's go, love," he said, helping Alva out of the vehicle and towards the tall, dark old building. Susumu made sure to keep a hand on Alva at all times as they entered the musty old building. Checking the time on his watch, Susumu cleared his throat as he approached the front desk.

"Yang," he said quietly.
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 24, 2019, 06:39 PM

Susumu let out a soft laugh. Clever Alva. Of course he remembered their last trip to the old library, although he didn't realize the full significance of the area. It was a strong magical area and one that held powerful people within. And it was where powerful people convened, although the ignorant townsfolk weren't aware of that. Not a lot of people liked to visit the old library, preferring instead to visit the newer one down by the schools. This one gave off a sense of foreboding, even to those who couldn't sense magic. Or... identify that it was magic they were sensing.

"Not... exactly." He glanced over at Alva. "It's likely that he'll be there but he's not the one we're going to see. You haven't met Yang yet, have you?"
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 24, 2019, 02:13 PM
"He's..." Susumu didn't know quite how to explain who his contact was. Alva knew so little about the ancients that Susumu could fib about it. But... At the same time, his alarms were going off. Yoojin. Of course, Yoojin was a witch and her parents might know something. And if what she said to Alva didn't align with what Susumu said, Alva would end up suspicious. It was best to leave that information as loose but as truthful as possible.

"He's close to the ancients," Susumu finally said. "You could say it's his life's work. And if anybody can do it... or has a way to do it, it would be him, I believe."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 23, 2019, 03:05 PM
Of course he worked quickly. There were a number of curses on Susumu at any given moment. Not curses set on him, of course. Curses to use against enemies. Curses to use when it served his purposes. Cursing Reagan was easy enough; Susumu had never liked him and he had already cursed him, what... twice before? Throwing a couple more on top of that was just a mere shrug of the shoulder for him.

Besides, he did want Alva to himself and he was just so easily distracted when it came to dear Reagan Ryang. Susumu wrinkled his nose slightly at the thought; he could never quite understand that attraction nor did he want to. Love, he heard, was not always logical but it was all right. Susumu was here to set things right. To give Alva what he truly deserved, even if...

"Hm," he said in a noncommittal tone. Yes, they could reach one another now, himself and Josh. Hopefully that wouldn't be needed. He thought Josh here would like the twist he set on his curse but he would see that it worked whenever the poor bastard woke up. For the time being, however...

Susumu also did not say goodbye, he simply watched as Josh left as quickly as he had come. A wraith, really, more than a feral wolf. But like Susumu, he seemed well equipped to play a different role as it suited him.

As Alva and the nurse arrived, Susumu smiled indulgently at Alva and then at Nancy. Alva was positively lit up like the sun, so happy, so excited to finally be getting answers. Susumu actually felt a little bad for him but it was true; they would take a visit to the so-called expert. There would be answers, though he... feared they weren't going to be entirely to Alva's liking. That part actually made him pause a moment. But he ignored that little twinge of regret and he pulled Alva a little closer as his hand was taken.

"Of course. Everything is fine," he reassured Alva. "We really should go. I don't want to leave our friend waiting..."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 22, 2019, 08:50 PM
"Potions aren't quite as long lasting as a good old fashioned curse," Susumu said conversationally. But he heard Josh out, aware that time was growing shorter for them. The last thing he needed was for Alva to catch him conspiring with the enemy. After a moment, Susumu tucked away his pouch and reached over to Reagan, tilting his head away so that he had access to the back of his neck. Ruminating over the spot, he decided behind the ear would work better. He touched bare skin with the ointment.

"Curses can be tricky things but the closer the caster to the recipient, the better." A mark slowly began to develop where Susumu traced his sigil. He removed his hand and moved Reagan's head back in place. Then he slid a handkerchief out to wipe his hand before moving forward.

"We have a deal. He will wake up and Alva will be..." His smile was quite devious. "Well. Erasing memories, they seem to know their way around that one. And I do admit that it was rather weak since I didn't have access to them the way I do now. But let's just say... this curse will work much better. I think you'll like it."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 22, 2019, 08:08 PM
"Why wouldn't I be serious?" Susumu drawled, eyeing Josh with distaste. He never did like his type, even if he was a supernatural like himself. The rough type. The type that could be a hunter just like those Susumu hunted. Yet he also sensed a kindred spirit. Not unlike himself, this was an ambitious one. Rough, maybe. But not stupid. Not stupid like the one lying in bed at the moment. Susumu noted that Josh didn't enter the room properly, and didn't get too close to Susumu, which was fine. And interesting.

Susumu moved to the side of the bed where the sleeping Reagan still lay unconscious, dead to the world. His chest rose up and down, his face slightly flushed, possibly from vestiges of a fever. He would be fine, though. A broken arm and a concussion would hardly kill him.

"Spit it out, whatever you have to say," Susumu said, almost bored as he reached into his pocket, used two fingers to open up a pouch and then delved his fingertips into a soft concoction, a bit like warm sand compacted into a lotion-like consistency.
Communication / Re: Evil is as evil does
Sep 22, 2019, 07:40 PM
Better make it quick.
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 22, 2019, 07:16 PM
Of course it wasn't as easy as he would have liked it. It wasn't as simple as saying he could watch Reagan while Alva went home and Alva had good reason for saying what he did. Not that he mistrusted Susumu but Reagan definitely had bad blood regarding him. Smarter than he looked, that one. But still not smart enough.

Knowing full well that Alva still harbored deep feelings for Reagan, Susumu doubted he was going to be able to make him move from his side in any conventional way. Every single easy way out wasn't easy; even asking Alva to get him something to eat or drink would 1. reflect badly on Susumu and 2. why would he agree to do so--Reagan might wake up while he was gone, no matter how short the journey.

So Susumu smiled and kissed Alva's head as his hand was taken and held against Alva's beating heart. Such a sweet little thing. Such a generous heart, far too big and loving with so much room for every person he loved. Somehow, he managed to love with all of his heart and it wasn't reserved for Susumu... nor even Reagan. Family...

"We really haven't had as much time alone together as I would have liked," Susumu lamented, thinking of how his work took him away from Alva. He would have to wait until the cousin arrived. But then the cousin would be in the room with Rae. How exactly did this Josh expect him to meet with him in this room? It would have been far easier to excuse himself to the bathroom, leave, meet, and come back. But he was guessing this had more to do with getting him in the same room with Rae.

"I hate to say this but... the messages I just got, they're from the person who wants to meet us about the mark. He wants to meet now. It's so hard to squeeze in time with him..."
Old Downtown / Re: That bad type
Sep 22, 2019, 12:20 PM
"I promise, we'll have those fries and ice cream," he said, still smiling gently. He had never had occasion to try such a thing but he could try for Alva's sake. Salty and sweet... An unorthodox mixture but not altogether uncommon these days. It was a surprise he hadn't tried it before... Or not, since Susumu was accustomed to eating more... gourmet style food. Fast food was far too greasy and ended up making him feel sick, rather than nourished.

Alva said he was okay, but... Susumu gently touched Alva's arm, in the place where he knew the Mark was. It was a magic so strong that its energy was palpable to Susumu. It was a bit like touching a low voltage electrical current. He wondered if Alva felt it, too, when Susumu touched it.

"You--" he started but the phone going off interrupted him. Somewhat annoyed, he intended to ignore it, thinking it was a colleague upset with him for leaving early. But beautiful, sunlight-souled Alva insisted that he check. Of course he did. He probably worried that somebody was in need of his help. Susumu smiled briefly before leaning in to kiss Alva on the cheek.

"How can you be so sweet?" he said, almost to himself. "I suppose I'll see what this is about..."

He stood and removed his phone from his pocket to see that it was from somebody that brought a sour feeling to his stomach. While his expression remained neutral, inside, he was somewhat irritated that some feral wolf would try and entice him into helping him. What could possibly be exchanged? What could a creature like Josh offer a powerful witch like Susumu?

Still, after exchanging a few terse texts, Susumu lowered the phone.

"Alva... you should get home and get some proper rest." He gently brushed fingertips through Alva's soft hair. "I can take over from here."
Communication / Re: Evil is as evil does
Sep 22, 2019, 12:10 PM
Well, give me a moment.
I'm working on it.
Communication / Re: Evil is as evil does
Sep 22, 2019, 12:00 PM
I should say the same of you, regarding tricks.
Communication / Re: Evil is as evil does
Sep 21, 2019, 10:26 PM
I assume you mean from the hospital.
Of course I can.