

Jiang Wen Rook

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Custom title:
Robots, Paint, and Magic
Personal text:
This blood keeps me alive, but what is it that runs through you? Electricity and wires, dictating everything you do.
Face Claim:
Shan Huang
Moon Witch
Wukan, PRC
Robotic Tech
Born in a small town in PRC, Wen always knew there was something strange about him. His mother said he was born with the hood, or the veil over his eyes but she never told anyone. Suspicion of witchcraft would have forced her to give up her son, leaving him by the river to accept his fate. So she hid his peculiarities from the world for as long as she could.

His father was head of a robotics company. He wasn't always home, since he commuted to work and only came home on the weekends. But when he was there, he helped along his son's budding interest in his work. They built simple little robots together.

Through his school years, he was a loner who rarely spoke to others. In his loneliness, he began to create robot friends but they were temporary things, usually ending up in the garbage.

Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, his father helped him secure a place in a prestigious university. Again, Wen felt acutely alone, especially since he felt like the small town hick compared to all the big time city folks.

He began to work on his robot friends again. But this time, something happened. His strangeness made the robot something... else. Something different. Somehow, some way, he had called a spirit into the robot.

His loneliness was assuaged. He had a friend to come home to each evening after class. But as he grew closer to graduation, he had no idea what to do with this robot friend. Especially because their friendship had become something else, a shameful... union. For a time, he thought he loved his robot friend. And that the robot loved him.

But he was nothing but a robot.

And so when he left university, Wen left the robot behind, despite the heavy sorrow filling his heart. He turned it off, he left it behind. He didn't know what else to do.

He moved to the States for work when he was 28. A year later, he left the big corporations he had been working for and hid himself in the sleepy little town of Hazleton. Something drew him there specifically, that sleepy town with its weird reputation...
He's skilled at robotic creation and manipulation--that's his day job. But his innate abilities include being able to pluck spirits and anchor them to objects, something he hasn't practiced much lately.

He is also a painter.
Date registered:
Aug 03, 2017, 08:48 AM
Local Time:
May 18, 2024, 08:56 AM
Last active:
Jul 08, 2019, 01:39 PM