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Topics - Lyle Duffy

So. Werewolves? A thing. Lyle even had one living in one of the old barns on his family's property. And she said somebody was missing. Somebody she knew. Beyond that, Lyle hadn't been able to get much more out of her but he assumed that the person was a werewolf, too. Maybe family, friend, maybe somebody close. To be honest, she wasn't that friendly towards him but he could sort of understand why. Humans hadn't been kind to her and they kind of had a shitty track record. Lyle was doing his best to change that, though.

How do I find somebody that I don't know? How did he even know what to look for? That was why he was up by Pebble Lake, in the hopes of finding something. Already he'd scoured the woods around his house and the farm but so far, no good. If his new werewolf friend ended up separated from this person, maybe they were farther away. Hence the lake.

Idly, Lyle traversed along the lake bed, occasionally picking up a stone, hefting it in his hand and then skipping it over the calm surface of the lake. Nothing really seemed to look out of place. The lake was quiet this time of day--an hour or so before dusk. It was already growing dark out. Winter seemed to bring the clouds and the moon much faster. If he stayed much longer, he was going to be be chewed out for not being home on time for dinner.

Lyle crouched down for another rock, but then remained where he was, the smooth rock cool against his palm. What was that? He heard the barest whisper of a sound close by. There was no wind so it wasn't the tall grass rustling in a breeze. Lyle squinted out into the grass around him, out beyond the grass and the bank and out where the trees lined the area. A strange sensation tickled his spine and he shivered, looking warily over his shoulder. Nothing. Slowly he stood, the stone still in hand. He held it tight, ready to throw as needed.

"Hello? Is somebody out there?"
Things were becoming a little more important now that Lyle got himself mixed up with the Scoobies. See, he wasn't a part of that group but he'd seen them around. He was honestly a little surprised that they were so quick on the uptake. Apparently, there was a good reason people nicknamed them Scoobies--they were some kind of ghost hunting crew. Not that they seemed to fight them... as far as Lyle knew.

Amused by the turn out, Lyle waited in the woods just outside the school. He scanned the area, the light of his flashlight skirting over the school buildings. For a heart stopping second, he could have sworn that he saw a pair of yellow eyes staring at him from the forest but when he quickly brought the light back in that direction... nothing. Huh. Lyle reached up with his free hand and gently rubbed his eye.

Somewhere nearby, he heard the scuffle of shoes on concrete and he swiftly turned the light toward the school. On the path from the back-most classes, he could make out a small male form. Without missing a beat, Lyle called out, "Hey, Sam!"

Sam's head popped up and he shined his own flashlight directly into Lyle's eyes. Letting out a soft hiss, Lyle turned his head away.

"Watch where you're pointing that thing!"

"Sorry." Sam looked up at the fence that separated the school from the woods. "Take my light."

He pushed it through the gap between the chain link fence and the locked gate. Lyle took it and watched Sam clamber over.

"Your girlfriend says she's on the way," Lyle said, just as Sam stuck the landing. In his surprise, it looked like twisted his ankle and he dropped to the ground with a sound of pain.

"Shit!" Lyle immediately dropped down next to Sam. He hadn't meant to hurt the guy--just tease him. "You okay?"

Before Sam could answer, the sound of voices emerged from the school and they both looked over, alert.
ChatterPage / Feral Wolves??
Apr 25, 2018, 01:07 PM
[chirp=]Hey, has anybody heard about the weird thing happening to animals? Rangers are saying it's feral wolves. Is that true?[/chirp]