avatar_Dakota Choi

he protec, but he also attac

Started by Dakota Choi, Sep 29, 2018, 11:33 AM

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    Axel Vasilyev

Probably not.
Well, maybe the people that havent met me. Maybe.
Aww, I make good mixers anyway. Can't have awesome mixers if you're busy.

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here I was thinking you were MORE famous with people who don't know you yet
"axel vasilyev? i heard he......."
nah I'll leave it to your imagination

although some of the shit people say make me want to knock their heads off
guess you'd do a better job of it

your mixers are ARE the best and i'd rather be busy going insane
tonight's gonna be jacked

    Axel Vasilyev

Eeeyep, hence the maybe.

Let'em talk, it don't matter what people say, Oshakota.
When I said doing something stupid, I meant, yanno, trying to drink an entire bottle of tequila by yourself, not disturbin' the peace.
Besides, not like it hurts anything.

Hmm, I'm usually going for "pleasantly fuzzed over" mixer, not "one-way ticket to insanity" mixer. Is this a character flaw I should seek to rectify?

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I feel like I'm on the eve of something stupid
Maybe I'll tell you about it
Maybe not ;)

Look, plenty of fuzzers can lead to insanity
Just gotta do it right

    Axel Vasilyev

I'll find out. You know I will. I always do P=
It's like, I pay attention or something. Afuckinmazing.

Does this mean I'm doing it right on accident? Does this up my cool points?

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Doooo you though?
We'll see

I think you get more cool points for doing it on accident
Effortless is way cooler than try harding

    Axel Vasilyev

Psh. I'm me. P=

Awesome. Cool points, awesome hair, and great friends. Best things to have in life.

Hey, do you know if they sell siblings at Walmart? Mine's busted.

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Id bet ya but I'm still working it out
Give it time will you?

Methinks you're forgetting a couple of things ;)

Yeah they got em but they're probably worse than he is
Like tiny hillbilly kids
What's he on about now anyway?

    Axel Vasilyev

Okay, okay, sorry, can't rush brilliance, right?

... no, that's everything I think.
Am I missing things?

Something something busy again something yelled at him something you sound like a clingy girlfriend something blah blah we get busy blah not on purpose.
I mean, is it really too much to ask for my BROTHER to... wanna see me once in a while?
I was pretty sure this is a normal thing to want.

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depends on which of us is the brilliant one

you are, axorus

wait, he called you a clingy gf?
for wanting to hang out like bros do?

...i guess i can't say much, huh?
been kinda neglecting my little bro too...
well from one big bro to a little bro, it's probably not you

    Axel Vasilyev

... you right. I forgot vodka.

Yes he did. Well sorta. It was more of a simile.

Yeah, so I gather. It's more like, I'm worried, yanno? He's being all Weird.
Like Way Weird.
I mean I'm sure he can take care of himself but I love decking bitches, you know.
Get a bitch a fist. Bitches love fists.

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n e v e r  forget the vodka

okay, what kind of weird? like moody? did he do something dumb? affair?
it has to do with decking bitches so
somebody broke his heart?

    Axel Vasilyev

I have failed my ancestors. I forgot the vodka.

SUPER mopey.
I know he's pretty reserved just by default but this is like off the charts.
And when I do see him he's weirdly distracted and spaces out a lot and tends to look really forlorn and pine-y.

... maybe somebody DID. Omg. I need to hunt a bitch down.
Wait. Wait I'm confused. I'm pretty sure he's ace...

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its okay, i can make up for it with the shit my ancestors make

piney huh?
so if he's ace maybe he's just in love or wait there's something else for that right? being in love but not into sex?
you have to help me, i grew up with the binary kicked in my throat
hahahaha if they only knewwww man

but anyway, what if its not piney
what if somebody took advantage of him
doubt he'd tell you about it right
he wouldn't let that happen though right
but who does
man this could be real fucked up axel

    Axel Vasilyev

... are you TRYING to make me wanna murder, come on man.
Don't do this to the planet.

And that's called,,,,,,,,, being romantically attracted to someone. Romantic attraction comes in variants the same as sexuality.
I.E. you can absolutely be heteroromantic asexual. Or biromantic heterosexual. Or whatever.