avatar_Ryland Ren

This is the bad before the worst

Started by Ryland Ren, Apr 14, 2018, 02:03 PM

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"Um... kinda?" Ryland made a face and then lifted his hand to make a shifting movement. Kinda was right. Ryland pretty much just knew Susumu's name and that Alva was dating him now and that he was a hunter-hunter. It sounded nonsensical in name--they should really choose a cooler sounding name. But it was also kind of a good idea... if one liked killing people. Ryland didn't but he almost felt like he understood why Alva hero-worshipped him. After all the supers they'd lost, it was nice to know somebody was on their side. Just... couldn't they protect each other without killing? It felt to Ryland like they were just using the hunters' own medicine against them--making them no better than them.

"My cousin is dating one. But I haven't heard from my cousin since that vampire barricade thing... And if he went, his boyfriend probably went, too..."

    Sebastian Jung

"Well, that put's us in a pickle." Sebastian rubbed his chin. "Wow, that's been some time." He could now understand Ryland's current mood. He wondered if he had been gone for that long too now, not that Ryland would know they weren't really talking daily before now.

"What is going one with this town? do I still even have a job?" He fessed up worried he had been missing a long time. Had they been looking for him? did they think he died? was it only a week? "How long had it been, do you know anything about your cousin?"

He felt like it was going to talk some time to make his way back into his life after this and he didn't know how he would share with others what really happened, he could say he was camping and got lost? it could be a believable story.  He knew Ry would keep his secret he didn't want the world knowing he was some vampires play toy for a few months. His dignity was ripped away along with his pride. What if the vampire paraded him around and everyone already knew and he was the last one to know about it. Sebastian filled his head with unforeseen situations that could occur that haven't.

He just wanted his life to go back to the way it was.

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Ryland was worried for good reason. Something happened. Or if it didn't... then something... No, something happened, Ryland was sure of it. He frowned, his heart aching as he recalled the last time he'd seen Aldon. He promised. He promised. But maybe he couldn't do anything now. His pack came first, always. Before Ryland. And Ryland couldn't even blame him for that because Ryland's family came first, too.

"It's been almost a week, nothing. Nothing from him, nothing from Ald."

He wrung his hands around the warm mug, trying to derive comfort from it.

"We can figure this out later, though. I think we both need some sleep, yeah?"

    Sebastian Jung

"Yeah, we can later. I think we both need to sleep."  Sebastian was tired of even thinking he awaited the comfort of his dreams. "See you n the morning?"

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"Yeah. You don't mind taking the couch, do you?" he asked as he stepped off the stool. He drank the rest of the tea and brought the mug over to the sink to set it inside. "I mean, I have room in my bed if you're feeling really crappy but..."

    Sebastian Jung

"No, I don't mind. I just hope I don't snore and keep you up or something." He laughed tiredly.

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"Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me." He rummaged around in a cupboard and brought some blankets and pillows out for Sebastian to use.

"And if you need anything in the night, everything's yours. Bathroom, food, whatever. Get me if you need anything else, okay?"

    Sebastian Jung

Sebastian took the blankets and pillows and put them down on the couch then turned back around and wrapped his arms around Ryland and hugged him. He held him tight and lit out a sigh. "Thank you for finding me Ry." He said before to let go of Ryland he really meant it.

"I know where everything is, I practically lived with you at one point." He said playfully. "But go get some sleep with can catch up later." He said warmly and patted Ryland's arm before he plopped down on the couch.

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"I'm glad I did." He embraced Sebastian back. If he hadn't come across him, then who knew where Sebastian might be now? That was a sobering thought. After a moment, he finally stepped away and smiled encouragingly at his friend.

"Don't remind me," he groaned, still smiling. "But... goodnight. Remember, you can wake me up or something if you have a nightmare!"

He gave Sebastian one last pat on the head and then padded back down the hall and into his own bedroom. He quietly closed the door behind him, let out a soft sigh, and then stumbled towards his bed, dropping into it. How could one person be so exhausted and still have such a hard time sleeping? Still, he closed his eyes and for once... he thought he actually got some sleep.

(I think this is the end of this thread. :sleep: )

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