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Where there's smoke

Started by Miguel Cabrera, Jan 23, 2018, 07:40 AM

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Good, that makes my job a lot easier. Let me know, so I can look him up in the database.

/gives number with some trepidation

Thanks. I'll get back to you.

(some time later)

Says here he used to live in Hazleton, but moved away when he was a kid.
Why'd he come back then? Who would want to move back to this place?

...I mean... I'd be doing everything I can to get my folks out of this place.

Which, by the way, there's a good trade college I've been eyeing for Nahuel in Seattle.
Just have to talk him into it...

All the way in Seattle, huh? But isn't he involved with somebody here?
Good luck with that one.

Not for long if the kid's what I think he is. *glowers*

Nahuel's safer in Seattle anyway. There's a large hunter association there, and I know some guys who'd keep an eye on him.

Hey I don't disagree. I'm just saying I know what it's like to be young, dumb, and in love.

I hate to break the news to you so suddenly, Alvaro, but

...you're still like that, my man.

What? Since when? With whoooo?

Since eleventh grade

All the time

Nah-uh even with you? 🤔

Okay, fair point

...I'm not sure if that's supposed to be insulting or a relief

I thought you were straight bro.

You wouldn't be the first

Actually most people assumed I was asexual... Wonder why...

(He's robosexual, lbr)



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