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Whiskers and fuzz

Started by Jude Iverson, Aug 01, 2017, 03:25 PM

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That would be
the cutest thing ever!

Are your brothers not okay with it? Do you still live with all of them? I've heard shifter families are super close.

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RIGHT?! I'm totally going to try it!

I live with 3 of them but my brothers aren't cat people. They're barely people people.
Ooh but my one brother's dating somebody who's kinda like you. He looks after shifters too. Maybe he can help convince my brother to help me out with the kitten!

Wait but he's a fox. Do you think that's okay? I feel like everything out there just
Eats kittens. Like in the wild and everything they'd be all scarfing them down.

  • let me take pictures of your shadows
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I'm sure they're still people people, if you give them a chance to be. And your brother's boyfriend who looks after shifters can certainly help! :)

I think a fox will be fine. Foxes have a lot of cat-like qualities, you know!

  • I saw the face of an angel
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If they are, I've never seen it!
And I've lived with them for 19 years!!

Foxes are sneaky... That'll come in handy for convincing my brother. Hehe

But wait, what are you? Are you a shifter too?

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Ah, no.

Actually... your um... assumption earlier was correct.

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Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

  • let me take pictures of your shadows
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I mostly deal with healing potions so I'd like to think I'm a good one...

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Sorry, that was a line from a movie.

Wizard of Oz, you know? Hehe

You don't sound like a bad witch. So that's why you have that valerian stuff right?
Hey do you

Make love potions too?

  • let me take pictures of your shadows
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I... I don't watch a lot of movies. I really should!

Yes, well... that and the cats, of course!

There is a love potion in my spell book but I have to be honest... I don't think that's the way to find love.

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Start with that one! You'll like it, it's a classic.

How do you think somebody finds love though? Do you just fall into it?

My brother kinda did but it turned him into a weirdo

  • let me take pictures of your shadows
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I do like classics. I remember watching The Sound of Music when I was really little.

Love turned your brother into a weirdo?

I don't think forcing it is real love. I think real love is pure and effortless. But I might be a bit of a romantic.

  • I saw the face of an angel
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The hills are ALIIIIIVE MAN!!

My brother just kinda... Changed. It was weird...

But what about all those emo people who fall in love but seem all miserable and fight all the time?

  • let me take pictures of your shadows
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Brr, sounds more like a horror film!

Love has been said to change some people, right? :) Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

I don't know about those people. I just can't imagine being miserable if I'm with somebody I love.