What to be?

Started by Daven Boontham, Sep 26, 2017, 09:33 PM

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    Daven Boontham

Help I don't know what to be for Holloween 'o'

?  ?

    Asa Yoshi

A wabbit :P

I'm kidding... kinda

    Daven Boontham

Really? Yoshi, should I just go natural?

I really want to impress at the party, I need to find a good looking boy!

I am so lonely I will never get a boyfriend I will die alone.

    Asa Yoshi

I mean, hey,

If you stick bunny ears and a fluffy tail on, I'm sure you'll catch some eyes!

Don't be so negative! You'll find someone... and if you like anyone, you can use me to make them jealous ;)

    Daven Boontham

~oooo~ should we do couples costumes?!

like Batman and Robin? Sonic and Tales?

    Asa Yoshi

Heyyy good idea!

My vote is the former. I mean, capes, hello. Or should we think of something else??

    Daven Boontham

I so call dibs on Robin~

Do you have something else in mind?

    Asa Yoshi

Then I'm B-b-b-b-BATMAAAAN.

Um not really my creativity is reserved only for art. Hm. We could always run amock in a store to see if more ideas hit us.

Or if you dress as a pirate I can be your bird. Or are those parrots?

    Daven Boontham

We could always go to the store and see what we find and if nothing works out we can do Batman and Robin

haha yeah it's a parrot, close enough right?

But why would we go out in our animal form are we picking up other shifters?

    Asa Yoshi

Yup that works!

Canary, parrot, same thing. But tweety birds are far less squaky!

Hm, iunno. I was only trying to be creative.

    Daven Boontham

OMG! I was messing with you. I thought it too~

Oh, did I tell you I am moving in with Asher and Kiko?

    Asa Yoshi

:3 good!

Oh? Well now you did. Tired of your old place?

    Daven Boontham

It's just I spend so much time at Ashers and we thought it would help us both out, plus their place is way nicer than my shoebox

    Asa Yoshi

Yeah that sounds like it'd make more sense then haha. Especially if you're always there anyway!

Is Kiko cool with you moving in?

    Daven Boontham

She is totally cool with it we all talked it over. I am packing some of my stuff as we speak.

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