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Innocent in the eyes of god

Started by Adrian Kwon, Aug 31, 2017, 06:10 PM

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The dining area dimmed in and out of focus for a moment and he shivered again. Never in his life did he feel this cold. He didn't like it, but he was trying--trying so hard--to roll with the punches. That was how he always lived his life; going with the flow, relaxing into the waves that life sent him rather than fighting against them. Now seemed like the time to fight, though, and he shook his head out to try and dislodge his messy thoughts.

He felt a hand at his temple and then at his jaw and he tipped his head upward to look into the worried eyes of Adrian. This was almost a little funny. Usually it was Ivy who worried over others. Now he was the one worrying somebody else. He didn't laugh, though. His heart lurched in his chest. At least it still seemed to work, albeit in a weirdly slow, sluggish way.

As Adrian drew closer, Ivy inexplicably parted his lips. He didn't know why, exactly. Maybe he thought they were going to... kiss. But they didn't. His head tilted forward and a kiss was laid upon his forehead. Slowly, Ivy reached out to wrap his arms around Adrian.

"Please, I..." He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to harm anybody or anything. He didn't even eat that much meat--only as much as was necessary for his diet. And he never ate baby anything. It was against his principles! The thought of Adrian hunting some unknown prey to bring it back, to be eaten by him... or drunk by him... "Is there... there has to be a way to do it without... killing anybody or anything... right?"

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"Of course. Of course there's a way," Adrian murmured by Ivy's temple, stroking his hair like a parent soothing a fretful child. A different kind of warmth was stealing over him, from the arms around him. Ivy needed him. He wasn't repulsed or angry and that was a little bit of a balm on Adrian's guilty soul.

His lips found their way to Ivy's temple, left a soft, tender kiss there. "I don't kill unless... unless it's necessary." Tonight being the notable exception, the break in routine. Adrian's arms slipped around Ivy's shoulders and he drew him closer.

"I promise, nothing else will die tonight. Not a human or an animal. I'll be careful." He eased his head back so that he could look Ivy in the eyes, to show him that he wasn't simply lying or saying things Ivy wanted to hear. "I promise. All right?"

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There was a way. Relief filled him from head to toe. Nobody had to die. Nothing had to die. Just the thought of having to do something terrible to some helpless animal like the countless ones he'd been helping just didn't sit well with him. Somewhere in his bedroom, he could hear his bird, Lumi, making small noises. She was probably wondering what was going on, why he hadn't come to see her, why he hadn't gone to feed her treats after the kittens were fat and content. The kittens were still all scattered and hiding and every now and again, Ivy heard one of them hiss or growl.

His heart fell, thinking about them. Maybe he should lock them up. Maybe he should... somebody... he couldn't risk hurting them. His eyes met Adrian's and he felt a heavy mixture of concern and fear, dappled with hope. Nothing else would die. Adrian promised. There was no reason to fret. After a few seconds of searching Adrian's gaze, Ivy nodded.

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"All right. I'll be back soon." He hated to leave a newly turned vampire alone but it had to be done. Adrian couldn't take Ivy with him--it would take twice as long and they might run into hunters. Hunters like... Adrian. He didn't think now was a good time to mention that, so he left well enough alone and straightened, gently extricating himself from Ivy.

As he turned, he spied a curious little face around a corner--a kitten, who hissed at him and promptly disappeared. Adrian smiled ruefully. "They've never seen a vampire before, have they? It takes them a while to get used to us." But eventually, he was sure, the animals would overcome their fright. Like anything, if treated with respect and kindness, they would soon respond in kind. (Although respect and cat sometimes didn't go hand-in-hand, simply based on the nature of the animal.)

"Keep the door locked while I'm gone, okay?"

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"Ah, no... I don't suppose they have."

He saw the kitten dart behind a chair, the last thing he spotted was her fuzzy tail, all fanned out. Even he had to smile in the face of that, despite the frightening turn of events. If Adrian said they would grow used to them, he believed him. It soothed a worry in his heart. Adrian didn't look at the kitten like it was a walking chicken leg. In fact, he seemed to look at her with fondness, which soothed Ivy's heart even more. Slowly, he relaxed, not even aware of how tightly wound up he had been until just then.

Lightly, he ran a hand over his own chest, over his heart. It still seemed to beat, albeit much too slowly and strangely. Not what he was used to. Not liking what he felt there, he quickly dropped his hand to his lap instead.

"I... I will," he said, standing. He still felt a little faint and unwell but to lock the door, he had to get up and follow Adrian to it.

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At the door, Adrian turned. Ivy looked unwell but the only cure was blood and for that, Adrian had to go out and hunt. He could have taken blood from the blood bank but once Ivy tasted human blood, it was difficult to 'make do' with animal. Best not to get him started down the wrong path, he thought.

"I'll be back soon," he repeated again reassuringly, cupping one of Ivy's cold cheeks. He told himself it was only to feel his temperature but he was lying; he only wanted to touch him again. Adrian felt himself leaning closer, though. A touch was so innocent, except that it prompted other, less innocent things. Like the kiss, a bare flutter of lips against Ivy's cheek.

"Thank you. You saved my life tonight." And Adrian would do everything within his power to preserve Ivy's. He smiled briefly, then turned to leave, before their proximity made it impossible to turn away.

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