avatar_Gael Simon Delgado

Almost Lover

Started by Gael Simon Delgado, Jul 19, 2020, 11:38 AM

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So then
telling me everything in person is...

your way of making sure I come see you in person?

it's my way of making sure when I say it, you hear me out

I would hear you out regardless Gael. I've always given you the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes too much benefit actually

Yeah well, you'd have to give a whole lot more of it for this shit

Should we be getting tequila shots instead of pie or something? You don't sound like yourself

I know.

It's just
I can't get a hold of Emilio
Think you can? :(

Emilio? He's back in town now? I thought he was on tour. Hold on I'll check in with him.

I'm not getting through. You think something happened to him?

I don't like it, it's not like him to ignore his phone.
It's basically glued to his face...

Can you trace it or something?

I can but it's slightly illegal without a warrant.

But if you really think something's up, I'll look into it. Might be a little while though, system's jammed with some big accident that popped up on the highway.

In the meantime why not go over to his place and check on him in person?

Fine, I'll check his place...

But if you hear from him, call me ASAP!

Yeah, of course. What else would I do?

You're really wound up, Gael. I can't believe I'm the one saying this but
You need a vacation

Believe it or not, I was having a pretty good time this weekend!
I thought I was winding down

Right now though, I'm worried about my brother. :(

I know, I'm just joking.
Yes I do know how to make jokes

Let me see what I can do. Where was he last? Do you know his plans this weekend? I can narrow it down if I have a location

He was talking about some battle of the bands thing and new music
So I think he was heading to his studio maybe

That's off the highway right?

There's a major incident there, just came through on dispatch. A giant sinkhole opened up.

They're saying multiple casualties but not fully confirmed. Where are you? I'll come pick you up, we can get there faster in my cruiser.



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