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Fate dealt us a black hand

Started by Kwak Jung Su, Feb 23, 2020, 05:49 AM

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    Min Kyunsoo

Kyunsoo kept her eyes ahead of her as he spoke, listening carefully. "It really depends on the relationship you have with the person and what happened for me to give you advice." She said, her eyes following Skittle. "if you don't want to tell me everything, that's alright, but for advice, I have to know the basics."

She actually like helping people resolve their problems. it distracted her from her own. And her problems, aren't fixable. Unless they invented a cure for PTSD and other mental disorders. She has gone through so much. Even with leaving her home early, she didn't escape her parents until a few years later. After that, they disappeared.

Kyunsoo had no interest in finding her parents again. All they did was blame her for her brother's death. She loved her brother and had no reason to kill him, but her parents chose her to be their pick to blame on. Their denial took over them and because she thought differently than them, they used that against her. It all left painful scars on her emotionally and physically. Some of the scars you can see if you look close enough at her neck and back.

She closed her eyes as they continued to walk, using her other senses to keep her on the sidewalk. She enjoyed being outside when it wasn't loud, busy, and crowded. Those are also reasons why she didn't want to explore on her own. It made her nervous.

Eventually, Kyunsoo opened her eyes and looked at him again. Her eyes wandered around his face, taking the time to look at the details. The length of his eyelashes. The shape of his lips. He was a pretty attractive guy. She most found his personality attractive. He was mysterious, kind, thoughtful, and just plain amazing in her eyes. It was hard to find people like him.

"Hm." He thought about how much to divulge; they weren't close enough for him to name names yet, but he did feel that Kyunsoo was trustworthy enough to seek advice from. She seemed to have gone through a lot—Jung Su had too. He saw it in her eyes, that she knew pain, she knew loss, and perhaps she knew how to deal with the prospect of it, or at least understand his concerns.

"It's someone I grew up with. We used to be close, but you know... When people grow up, they sometimes grow apart too. We couldn't be more different, believe me." They said opposites attracted but on the other hand, it bred a lot of misunderstanding as well. People who were polar opposites understood things differently, too, so sometimes it was hard to meet in the middle.

Jung Su sighed; he looked away, feeling Kyunsoo's eyes on him. "I've had feelings for them for a long while. Years. But the problem is... I don't know. Risking everything for something that might not work out... I don't know if it's worth it. I kissed them, but I don't think it went well. I think it just... made them more confused than anything, so..."

    Min Kyunsoo

Kyunsoo nodded and listened, directing her gaze to the ground in front of her towards the end. She kicked a small rock as they walked, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Do you know how they felt before you kissed them? If they liked you, it might have sprouted more feelings. But if not, it could have made it awkward or it could have sprouted feelings from there. It really just depends."

She kicked the rock far ahead of them, kicking it once more when they made it to it. "How is the air between you two now? Like, how are they acting around you? I'm assuming they still hang around you, correct?"

Kyunsoo felt like she was kicked in the gut. She kind of expected a quick end to that little hope, but it was worth a shot.

"It's... uh... hard to tell how they feel at any given time." That... was an understatement, to be honest. Jung Su never knew if anything he said or did would be upsetting; meanwhile, he himself was rarely ever offended. Or if he was, people knew about it. He used to be better at seeing the signs when he was younger but lately it felt like the distance had grown.

Sighing, he watched the rock skipping away down the path. "I don't know. It feels... weird. Like there's this thing in the air, that we're not talking about. I don't know how to open that discussion again. And we live together, so that makes it worse, you know? I have to physically leave the apartment to get any space and time to think. And they're not good at saying what they think so... I feel like at this point we should just write each other letters and leave them on the kitchen table."

He snorted--that sounded like a ridiculous way to communicate but at the same time... It also felt like the best way to get any discussion going.

    Min Kyunsoo

Kyunsoo let out a small laugh. "That's a stupid idea. The best way is to just talk. Even though the awkwardness. It's the only way to really get to someone." She said, finally kicking the rock far into the grass. "It can be hard, but it's the easiest way to get the person's thoughts."

She smiles and looks at him again. "So just sit them down and talk heart-to-heart with them. It could take a while, so have something as an ice breaker. Like food. The easiest."

That was a stupid idea, and he liked that Kyunsoo wasn't afraid to say it. Some people did; they sugarcoated the truth, dancing around it for fear of hurt feelings. But once in a while, somebody came along who told it like it was, and that said a lot about Kyunsoo. Jung Su smiled slightly at her and nodded. Noted. Dumb ideas weren't going to fly here.

"You know the funny thing is, I think they might be more comfortable with a letter than me!" He laughed, somewhat amused—yeah he really picked a weird little person to like. But that was the way it went in life, he supposed. If Kyunsoo had come along earlier, he might be with her now instead of awkwardly bumbling along with someone else. Jung Su liked her; he found that he wanted to hang out with her and to spend time with her. Something about her was different from all the other girls he knew.

"I guess I should give it another try." Turning to her, he gently tugged on her wrist to stop her. And then he hugged her very warmly. "Thank you. There's not a lot of people I would've talked to about this, but... I guess I feel comfortable with you." Which was funny because they hadn't even known each other that long!

    Min Kyunsoo

Kyunsoo smiled and stopped when she felt the little tug on her wrist. She was suddenly enclosed in his arms, causing her to smile more. She hugged him back, wrapping her arms around his waist. "It's no problem... I'm glad you feel that way around me. And I'm glad I've met you. You're a really nice guy. You cover it mostly with that tough exterior, but you are a really good guy." She smiles and looks up at him. "If that person doesn't accept your feelings, they are an idiot."

She giggles then pats his back. "But please remember. You are twice my size. Because you're probably crushing my sternum." She says and pretends to not be able to breathe in an obvious playful way, dropping her weight slightly in his arms. She then pretends to pass out, sticking her tongue out for a funny theatrical element.

"Hey! I'm still a tough guy! Anybody you need taken care of, you know who to call!"



Just because he was going through some stuff didn't mean that he stopped being a tough guy and became a sudden marshmallow, okay? Jung Su deeply resented that--and also now felt like he needed to go find somebody to fight, maybe, to maintain his reputation. It was only a few people that he let down his guard around; the rest of the world definitely saw a punk on a fast bike.

"Don't tell anybody I'm nice. If I hear rumors being spread around town, I'm gonna come back and find you!" He squeezed her again playfully, for emphasis, before letting go. But he kept an arm around her waist anyway, since she had flopped into his arms, and steered her down the path where Skittle had trotted off to, sniffing plants and barking at swaying grass.

    Min Kyunsoo

Kyunsoo lets out a squeak when he squeezes her again. She laughs and almost tumbles when he lets go, only saved by his arm still around her. She smiles smugly to herself. He's still a nice guy. Mwahaha. She things to herself and giggles evilly. "No promises!"

She smiles and regains her balance as they continue to walk. She was happy again. She knew he would still remain the teddy bear he was on the inside.

Thinking, she looked up at him. "I don't want so seem weird to you... but I feel like ou should know my family story.. I haven't old you everything..." She said, a small worried expression on her face. She didn't want to ruin their friendship because of her broken past. She was a bit better now... Just a few medications.

"What? Your family?" He stopped playing around at the mention of them, recalling their conversation at the cafe. Little bits of her history had come out throughout the time that they'd known each other as well, things that he felt she wouldn't divulge to just anyone. It had to mean that she trusted him now, to be able to open up about it.

"Tell me. You can tell me anything."

(It's been a while so I'm locking this thread but if you feel like starting it up again, send me a PM. 🙂 )