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Say my name, say my name

Started by Alejandro Riviera, Feb 18, 2020, 03:48 PM

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I see somebody in great pain. I see somebody vulnerable and fragile, in a point in his life where one wrong word could break him. I see somebody who wanted to erase himself but didn't manage it. I see somebody whose spark for life might be coming back, somebody who needs real commitment and somebody steady on his feet. I might not be perfect myself, but I know I can provide those things to you.

Maybe it's not me, maybe you're looking for somebody else?

But even as a friend, I can provide those things for you. I can be unbelievably stubborn about some things. :)

As for what you can offer me... I don't view people that way. It's not about who can do what for me. I've never been that way and I'm not about to start now.

Got it pretty bad for me don't you?

You know it's so weird that my whole life, I've been looking for someone to do what you want to do for me.
Be here for me. Just me. Want me for me, for the mess I am inside and not for the sexy guy in the club or the way too happy guy bouncing around all over the place.

And the crazy part is you
You saw it. The mess. The monster. And you're still here.

I'm scared you'll lose yourself because of me. You sound like someone I could
Really get to know and love
I couldn't live with myself if I did something to you

I keep doubting. These questions won't stop. What if I change you. What if I slip up again.
But the selfish part of me wants to try anyway.
I got it pretty bad for you too, Seth.

Haha... yeah... I guess I do.

I don't think you were a mess or a monster. I saw somebody in pain who needed help. Maybe it turned out to be a different kind of help but I'm still up to the task.

You don't have to worry about me losing myself. I already went through my big self doubt phase and I know who I am today. You won't warp me or mess me up. Like I said, I'm pretty steady and pretty stubborn too. Think of me as...

A mountain. :)

You're not selfish for wanting something, especially if something wants you too.

Really? You went through the same thing?
What happened? If it's not too personal to ask?

You're lucky we're not talking face to face right now, or I'd probably have kissed you
Oh three or four times by now

Not the same thing, just self doubt? I think we all go through it. Mostly it was my love of fighting versus my love of everything else. Haha... It's not really that I like hurting people but there's nothing else like the feeling of being in the ring, the adrenaline of a good fight against an equally good fighter...

Sometimes I still think about going into work as a first responder. You know... EMT... paramedic... Something like that.

Is that lucky or unlucky?

Yeah that's what I meant—the doubt.
So you fight because you like the sport, right? Not because you want to be in there hurting people? That would make you a sadist, and I don't see it. Nothing wrong with loving a sport that you happen to be good at.

You're so gentle. I mean you are when you're with me. And you made me feel so calm at the club, and so safe, like you just have that way about you.
I think you'd make an amazing paramedic.
And you know, paramedics and cops do work closely together, so we've got that going for us if you ever decide to go in that direction. :P

Because I have poor self control
Because our first kiss won't be until the weekend, which is taking forever to get here!

It's definitely a matter of loving a sport I'm good at! But I had my doubts at one point.

My mama would be so happy to hear I'm even thinking about the paramedic angle.
I'll look into it. :)

Hey, it'll be here before you know it!
How is everything else going?

I'm glad you got through that. Now look at you! MMA superstar! 😋

If you need a recommendation, let me know. Sometimes there are internal openings too, I'll look into it for you.

And well
Everything else is not bad!
I did have one other thing though...

Seth, do you know what's downstairs in that library? Have you ever been down there?

I've won a few times but I wouldn't say I'm a superstar. Haha!

I would never turn down your offer for recommendations. I could probably use them, really, since I don't exactly have the typical resume for somebody in that line of work...

I've never been down there, no. I'll be honest with you, the place gives me the creeps. Other than that place I showed you where we ate lunch, the place is... feels like death. Not sure how else to explain it. Anyway, we were told not to go downstairs but I've seen people go down there, so there's definitely still things happening down there.


I need to get down there Seth.

We think they're keeping kidnapped kids down there

My ex, his boyfriend's little brother disappeared around the library. A bunch of other kids did too, from here in town and the surrounding areas.

We think they're trying to do something with those kids

And we need to get downstairs to see what it is and to get those kids out

Do you want me to check first?

I knew this place was bad news.
Why would a library need security?

No Seth do not go in alone

Listen to me, there are forces at work here that are
That no one can fight

Please don't go down there. All we need you to do is let us past

I get this is probably police business...

But you don't want me to help?
Wouldn't it better if you were prepared for whatever's down there?

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