Silly monkey

Started by Ogawa Koji, Oct 29, 2019, 09:20 PM

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    Sun Wukong

"Why wonder when you have at your disposal means to observe them? You are a summoner. It is only natural to use your retinue."

"I think I understand. It is foolish hope. It sounds harsh but you know I carry no ill will towards Takei. Violence is a corruption deeply rooted in humanity. There is no means to change that. Humans have tried and failed to purge fundamental aspects of their existence. That being said, I can see his efforts bear fruit on an individual level. If that is his goal, I will not question it further."

"But I will question your words, Aniki. I sense your words carrying an underlined... frustration with Kaede. Do I detect a hint of jealousy?"

    Ogawa Koji

It's a morality thing. I have no need to use my summons for something so silly.

Foolish yes, but hope, those kids need. High school is different than grade school, they have more beliefs and thoughts than children. Helping one individual can have more of a contagious influence than it seems and he's banking on that... As painful as I know it is for someone like him to see kids struggling, he trusts the fox's judgement for a reason.

Why would I be? We've never gotten along; only when it's for Takei's benefit do we put our bickering aside. Or do you think I like him as more than a friend?

    Sun Wukong

"Ah, morality - such a fickle features to guide your actions. Would you feel better about if I offered myself for the job?"

"I understand the principle. I doubt the wisdom. Takei is not a simple human. Should his soul break, the sky itself will weep for him and thunder will reign down on this town. I will not lie - I want to see how the humans react to it. It would be very educational."

"Aniki, I would never dare suggest that you harbor deeper feelings for him. I just want to point out that you followed him across the world. And it would explain your abstinent tendencies. I live in your room so I know."

    Ogawa Koji

No, and besides, if they don't have the courage or genuine attitude to tell me any problems they have with me to my face, I don't care to find out. It was a small curiosity. Thank you though, Sun.

It's something I wonder myself, how the people here would react, but I never want to see him suffer something to break his soul... Since I feel that's already happened and he managed to piece it back together somehow. The fox might be annoying, but I know how much pain he's pulled Takei out of

Eh?? I came here for work. Also, on my presumed abstinence, hotels exist ;)

    Sun Wukong

"You are depriving yourself of valuable information. How else can you discover the true feelings of the humans around you?"

"I believe I am starting to realize the full picture. You can glue a shattered vase back together. However, if you keep breaking it, eventually the pieces are too small and nothing can hold them together. As much as I find human emotions fascination, I think it is better to test them on those I deem replaceable."

"Of course, it was for work. A stable financial situation is an admirable goal. I am sure it had nothing to do with Takei's proximity to said situation."

"You joke. Know that if it is the truth, I will find out who you've spend your nights with. I need to verify your type, Aniki."

    Ogawa Koji

By asking, properly, although meetings happen too. So I can deal with that myself just fine.

Yes, that's basically it. Maybe you shouldn't be hurting people, but I can't speak for that without being a hypocrite.

I enjoy being able to do the work I like for the company I enjoy being a part of, and get paid well for working at. We've got to take the opportunities we get to branch it out.

That you cannot if I stop you. Why do you need to know, hm?

    Sun Wukong

"If you say so, Aniki. I will leave it to you. You are more than capable I'm sure.

"Hurt is subjective. Some people want to be hurt. Some crave for it. I do try to avoid damaging them beyond repair. That is just cruel and the specialty of others of my kin."

"That is logical and reasonable. I might believe that if I didn't know you better. Materialistic reasons are secondary to you. Unless I am wrong. I will happily accept that you are simple man with simple needs."

"I am curious. I freely share my life with you. Is it wrong to wish you to do the same?... And I want to see if they are similar to Takei."

    Ogawa Koji

I wouldn't have this position otherwise.

I'm aware. I meant non-consensually, although I understand.

The reason I gave is fact to me, and you should know me after this long.

That's called being nosy, and I'd caution you not to be. My non-platonic life I prefer to keep to myself. Takei is like family to me, and while I fight with his little lover, if I wanted to have Takei, I'd have gone after him myself.

(If he was around Ogawa when he notified Kaede that something was off with Takei's last partner before Kaede, he'd know Ogawa chose not to go after them himself, otherwise he could think Ogawa simply means asking Takei out before Kaede.)

    Sun Wukong

"Having power does not equate to being capable of using it properly. In that regard, we are both lucky. You could be such a troublesome summoner otherwise."

"I do know you. But I know how easy it is to believe in something so much that it becomes fact even if it did not start out as such."

"I am well aware that if you wanted Takei, you would have done something. That is not what I am talking about. I am wondering if your choices in partners are being affected by an underlying subconscious desire that has not been resolved. Perhaps your choices are facsimiles of Takei and you are unaware of this particular turn of events?"

(Got it. Turned it around so Sun's questions make sense... to him.)

    Ogawa Koji

And you an even more troublesome summon.

This is true, but, you're also prone to being somewhat imaginative. I'm aware of myself even if it doesn't seem so, always.

I know subconscious is not something people are aware of, but I can say with certainty that is not so. None of my partners have been anything like him, in personality or sex for that matter. I don't understand why you're so stuck on Takei and bothering to believe I have subconscious or conscious desires for him. We may be rivals in sport and friends, but that is all. Simple.

    Sun Wukong

"Of course. I make sure to have your consent before interfering. Except that time I made contact with Takei but that is in the past."

"While I cannot argue with your point, I will say that your mind is more complex than you give it credit. You assume you know what you think... but you may not. Or you may and my questions make you question yourself. In which case you still learn about yourself. As do I. It is what humans call a win-win scenario."

"Simple, you say. Aniki, are you under the impression feelings are simple? You should know better, summoner. Feelings are like an unbreakable spider web that trap you. Pull to hard and you call on the monster in the shadows to eat you. Or perhaps I am being overly dramatic. I did have an enjoyable night. The urge to verbally spar with you is just too great."

    Ogawa Koji

... and when would that have been?

(Did he get launched to the ground trying to use magic hahahaha)

Your questions make me question you, dear sarugami.

The truth is simple. You're making assumptions which are only a bother, and would probably get you on poor relations with Takei if he knew of your pushing this, which would get you on the tiny fox's bad side. He has his little soulmate to be content with and I'll find someone if I ever care. Your sparring is more... immature and delusional.

(He had to slip a mildly subtle insult at Kaede amidst the bluntness at Sun because this hate is mutual between them lol)

    Sun Wukong

"Why not ask him? I am sure he will be happy to discuss our friendship."

(Sun is nosy, not stupid.)

"That is a valuable approach to life. Question more, I say."

"If you had no concerns about this issue, your reaction would not be so... defensive. You have emotional ties to both of them and yet you claim your actions have no such connection. You lie, Aniki. But I do not have a problem with. I can see your truth. And your flaws do not diminish your value. A flawed summoner is a real summoner. Perfection is disturbing."

"On that note, I am almost home. If you wish to continue this, you can find me in my apartment on your shelf. Wait, does that mean I am your Elf on the Shelf?"

    Ogawa Koji

... I'm curious to hear it from you, what contact you're talking about. I'll ask him if you won't answer, instead of making you like I could


We've known each other longer than either of us have known you. If I thought anything more than platonic for him, he would have noticed, and pulled away.

You make me question being so nice to a nosy, delusionally pushy monkey

Good. I doubt your delusions will stop even if we're in person, but I will see you at the temple.

(I fucking forgot if he's still visiting Hazleton at this time so I'll edit that if not.)


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