avatar_Robert Stephens

Nobody asked for this

Started by Robert Stephens, Apr 29, 2019, 11:05 AM

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  • Bishop
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No. YOU specifically.
What do you do?


...before mum died, back when I lived with her and Charlie, I worked in a kitchen. Just meal prep stuff, you know. Cutting veggies, peeling potatoes, taking out the garbage.

Here... the Hazletons took care of money problems. Right now I'm using what's left of my savings.

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  • Bishop
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The Hazletons sound like nobles.
My family was the same.

They're evil! They want to resurrect some ancient force that will wipe out half the population!
How can they force my brother into marriage, only to use him? They never cared about him. Or her! Evil, I tell you. Your family couldn't have been like that.

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  • Bishop
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Ah. No. We were nothing like that. We worshipped the sky and the sky was bountiful. We were the guardians of the sky, nobles. And I was one of their warriors. My family was very proud of me. But I didn't get need all these things. Resumes? Applications? I just needed to prove my worth and my worth was acknowledged with my position.

Sooo... you inherited everything, essentially.

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  • Bishop
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You know here, people like the Hazletons are looked down on, right? They get by on their heritage and inheritance without working for it.

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  • Bishop
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I must work for it. I have to prove my worthiness.

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  • Bishop
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Through loyalty. Through honoring my family and their beliefs. Through my skills with sword and bow.

So... by killing. And following orders.

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  • Bishop
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Yes. Do you take issue with it?


A little. It's sort of like what they made Charlie and HER do and it's not fair.

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  • Bishop
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It is fair. It's the price we pay for our privileged lineage.