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So says the hummingbird

Started by Tim Zhong, Apr 27, 2019, 05:41 AM

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  • Knight
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Hey Gil!

Does your dad still need someone to help out on the ranch in the summer? Maybe mornings? Somebody replied to the ad he posted but I was hoping there'd be an extra spot. D:

?  ?

    Gilbert Carter

IDK I can ask him, I mean I would love the extra help we have been swamped. But it's up to my dad.

You sure you want to work on the Ranch it's hard work. I've been going it all my life so I make it look easy ha

  • Knight
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Haha! So HUMBLE Gilbert!

I need a little extra cash. Thinking about going on a trip with my little bro, he's been acting kind of squirrely. I'd be grateful if you could put in a good word for me!

    Gilbert Carter

Ah Sorry did I come off as a tough guy? It's just a lot of work and not that much pay I think it's 12 an hour?

That would be so nice to go out with your little brother and I will definitely put a good word in.

  • Knight
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Oh yeah I know it's a lot of work, I've heard your brother talking about it. lol But every little bit counts! Thanks man.

Hey do you and Teddy want to come with us? We're just doing a little road trip and some camping, nothing too fancy. I think Kinley and his little bro are coming too!

    Gilbert Carter

No problem and I am not sure I would have to talk to Teddy and my dad

would my boyfriend be able to come? Or is it just a brother thing?

  • Knight
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Boyfriend?? 😀 You're seeing somebody now? Sure, I got no problem with that!

Lemme know if you can make it, we were thinking maybe end of next month after Andy and Kero get out of school.

    Gilbert Carter

Yeah, I am seeing someone is it a surprise? He's nice and odd, I like him :)

Sounds good to me, is it for the weekend or? My dad will want the details

  • Knight
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Not a surprise like... you couldn't get one. I just didn't know you were seeing somebody! Congrats man!

Uhhh... probably a weekend cause I still have my regular job in the evenings.

    Gilbert Carter

Thanks! Yeah not sure if you know him Lieve?

I'll talk to everyone and get back to you and I'll get back to you about the job too.

  • Knight
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Lieve... Was he in our grade? Did we have any classes with him? Does he work in town?

And awesome, thanks Gil! :D

    Gilbert Carter

He was a year ahead of us but he works at the Averesch Botanicals

No problem

  • Knight
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OH I remember him! He got bullied a lot, didn't he, when he was in school? Well, I'm glad you guys found each other! How'd it happen?

    Gilbert Carter

haha Funny story we all know Lieve is a pot head right? I was freaking out over a test last year and he was in the bathroom smoking a jont while I was freaking out and I got high for the first time. We just started hanging out after that weird right?

  • Knight
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...is he??!
Sorry I didn't know that! I just thought he was like a hippie

Um but hippies do... a lot of pot... nvm I'm dumb. LOL Hey, as long as it worked out!



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