avatar_Won Ki Jun

It is done

Started by Won Ki Jun, Aug 05, 2017, 06:03 PM

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  • There's one thing that I can do nothing about
  • King
  • 40 posts
  • Hunter Daddy
  • 40
  • 5'10"
His son had been taken by an asshole vampire and Ki Jun was left to do their dirty work for them. His hands tightened around the steering wheel as he drove up into the hills. Since he wasn't born yesterday, Ki Jun understood the implications of what he was about to do. Killing an alpha werewolf wasn't an easy task and it was even less easy when one took them on their own in the heart of their own territory. Ki Jun wanted to kill the werewolves anyway--that wasn't a problem. It was the underlying cause. The reason.

Those bastards in the so-called Blood Ring were going to let the hunters take the fall for this one. Why? That was what Ki Jun needed to know. There was a reason they needed to take out the alpha of a group of werewolves and blame it on hunters. Typically, werewolves and vampires just stayed away from one another. There was no stupid blood feud the way a lot of media presented it. But this might start something to that effect.

What, was the leader of the Blood Ring a fan of those silly TV shows? Ki Jun snorted and took a drag from his cigarette. One last pull and then he came to a halt at the big iron gates that fenced off the wild part of Eagle Ridge. The part where kids weren't supposed to go. Where adults shouldn't be after dark. Ki Jun snuffed out his cigarette and opened the door to his truck, stepping out and grinding his heel over the cigarette.

Shutting the door behind him, he slid his keys into his jacket pocket.

It was a warm night out in the Oregon mountains and by the time he made it to the wolf pack's lodgings, he was working up quite the sweat. He stopped to take a breather, regretting the cigarette. Ki Jun had never been a chain smoker, just had one every now and again to take off the edge of his stress. In this case, it hadn't really touched his stress at all. Straightening, he slid his hand into the sheath buckled around his thigh and pulled out his silver gun. He licked his lips and stepped forward. This could very well be suicide if he was caught.

As he stepped toward the trailers, he listened keenly for the telltale voice of Andrew Ryang. There! There it was. Ki Jun almost forgot to breathe for a moment. Creeping slowly toward a trailer in the back of the cluster, he made sure his steps were as quiet as possible. Peering through a small round window, he saw Andrew laughing it up with a couple of pretty women. Regrettable. But they were probably werewolves themselves. Ki Jun aimed. It was going to take more than one shot to get him because of that damned glass. He took in a breath. When he exhaled, he pulled the trigger.

Glass crashed and the wolves inside were up on their feet immediately. Before he could call for help, Ki Jun launched a second silver bullet. This one lodged itself in Andrew's throat. As he grasped at his throat and choked on his own blood, the women shifted into wolves. Ki Jun turned the gun on the one coming at him through the window, hitting her between the eyes.

The sound of the gun--even with the silencer--was enough to draw more attention from other wolves. Ki Jun immediately ran away from the collection of trailers, as hard and fast as his legs could carry him.