avatar_Charlie Ayers

Around every corner

Started by Charlie Ayers, Dec 13, 2018, 06:14 PM

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Thanks. I think...
Tell me if it helps.

Oh... you're smart! That didn't come out right

Anyway let me try this...




I see... books...

No, it's bigger

Big. A big space with lots of books.

Not a lot of people though.

And... now I'm seeing a...
An elevator?

Then it can't be that dinky bookshop downtown.

An elevator? Like the one in the library?

I... don't know, I've only been out of the manor twice...

Is there a basement in that library? One with lots of doors?

Not that I know of.
But that doesn't mean there ISN'T one...
Especially if they're keeping your brother locked up.
Should I go there and look?

They'll have protection in place if he really is there
But I need to know where he is so I can go get him

If you go, don't do anything! Just... observe

I wish I'd brought Kor'ulach with me... He'd be a lot of help.

What's that? Your friend?

Oh. No. That's the demon's name.

You have more than one demon?!

...OH that's this one! That's its name?

I guess Patches is a silly name for a demon

I thought for a moment you
Were like my brother

Patches is so cute though. Haha...

What do you mean? Your brother is also a demon summoner?



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