avatar_Charlie Ayers

Around every corner

Started by Charlie Ayers, Dec 13, 2018, 06:14 PM

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Hey, I'm downtown. You need anything while I'm here?
Also, I swear I keep seeing your old decrepit granny watching me around every corner.

I don't need anything from you

Don't be paranoid, she's confined to her room. There are bars on the windows.

Come on, I know you need things. Just let me get them!
And I'm not paranoid. Probably just looks a lot like her, then.

Why is she stuck in there anyway?

Get me sanitary napkins *smirk*

If you see an old woman around every corner spying on you, you are paranoid Charles

Wh-what? Why why those?

And don't call me that. I keep telling you, Charles is my dad. Plus it sounds stuffy and old.

You wanted to get me things, so. Get me those.
Get me 8 packs. I'm stocking up.
Oh and I also need condoms and that 1L jar of Vaseline.

Charlie sounds like a kid's name.

It is not a child's name. :/

And okay... 8 packs of. Yeah.

... .... ....
But darling. What do you need those for?
We don't even...
Unless you've changed your mind? But what's all the Vaseline for?

Oh forget it
You're no fun Charles

If I buy all this, it better get used.  :horror:

I don't think you thought that response through very well, Charles...

Uh huh

Why do they let YOU out of the estate grounds
While I'M stuck in this damn creaky old house?

Honestly I've been wondering that myself. 

I could
Sneak you out with me next time.