Fishing for a brownie

Started by Jeong Caden, Nov 12, 2018, 08:09 PM

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    Jeong Caden

Checking his watch, Caden hummed a couple times to himself. Late into the day his parents decided today was a good day to celebrate the anniversary of the shop, and who would go to a party alone when they had someone? Picking up his phone, he called Flynn. It was sudden, but if he didn't want to go, Caden would convince him.

He has to come.

"Hello? Flynn~" he started when the phone was picked up.


    Flynn Ha

His phone buzzed a few times before he picked it up. The sweet voice of Caden was on the other line.

"Oh, hey Caden I wasn't expecting a call what's up?" It's not like he didn't enjoy calls from his boyfriend they were almost the best calls beside calls from his loving sisters.

    Jeong Caden

"Well... There's a gathering my family are having," he paused for good effect,

"I'd like you to be there, my little boyfriend." His tone was paticularly teasing, but he did want to see Flynn. They were dating, he should of course be there.

    Flynn Ha

Flynn was planning on having dinner with his own family. So he thought it over for a minute he didn't want to let either down.

"When is it like right now?"

"You know I want to be there too."

    Jeong Caden

"Little over half an hour."

"Want to be there? Does that mean you can't make it?"

    Flynn Ha

"Hmm," He said not in a negative way he wanted to be there it was just so last minute. His family would understand, right?

"What's the get together for, so I can tell my family. We were going to have dinner but I am sure they will understand." His sister was already upset with him but this was a family thing she had to understand he was trying to establish himself with Caden and his family she was still a kid a didn't get that.

    Jeong Caden

Caden nibbled at his bottom lip, brows furrowing. If he chose not to go... After already cancelling a plan before... He would have a very upset boyfriend. Caden played nice, but he would get what he wanted. Connecting more and more to this one would guarantee him what he wanted.

"The anniversary of my parents chocolate shop. Maybe you'll get brownie points if you come.~"

    Flynn Ha

He had to go now, this was a big deal and he wanted to be a part of it. Flynn's family would have to understand, this was his life he was living so they needed to let him do just that and live it.

"Sold!" he almost sang. "You picking me up or should I meet you since it soo soon?"

It had been a few days since the two saw each other and that was quite a while. He missed his loving, caring, and sweet boyfriend.

    Jeong Caden

"Good!" The grin could almost be heard through his tone, if that were possible. Convincing him was so easy sometimes.

He hummed softly in thought. "I'll come to you, hun. It'll give you more time to look all pretty~." Not that the cutie needed to try very hard. If anything, Caden definitely liked his cute little face.

    Flynn Ha

He could hear the pleased tone in his voice. It made Flynn happy to be wanted.

"I do need to change. Dress to impress right?" He got up to look for his outfit already. He was a people pleaser and making Caden happy and his parent's happy made Flynn happy. "I'll see you soon sweetie." He kissed into the phone two times before he hung up and got ready.

(Think we can move this to a thread if you would like to start it?)

    Jeong Caden

"Of course." he purred out with a smirk.

"Bye bye. Can't wait to see you."

(Will do asap! I'll tag you when it's up.)



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